Hiuen Tsang (7th C.-A. D) speaks of Vaišāti as such: "The kingdom is about 5000 Li in circuit. The soil is rich and fertile... mango and plaintain are plentiful. The manners of the people are pure and honest. They love religion and highly esteem learning. Both heretic and believers are found living together. There are several hundred Samghārāmas, which are mostly dilapidated.... The followers of Nirgranthas are very numerous... Vaisali is in ruins.... North west of the city five or six Li is a Samgharama with a few disciples... By the side of it is a stupa. It was here the Tathāgata delivered the 'Vimala Kirtisutra'. To the east is a stupa. It was here Säriputra and other obtained perfect exemption. To the south east of this spot is a stupa, this was built by a king of Vaiśāli. To the north west is a stupa built by Ašoka...with the figure of a lion on the top. To the south of the stone pillar is a tank.... To the south of this tank is a stupa.... It was here (in the old house of Amrapali) that the aunt of Buddha and other Bhiksunis obtained Nirvana.
Both within and without the city the sacred vestiges are so numerous that it would be difficult to recount them all... Tathāgata left them his pātra (Alms-bowl) as a taken of remembrance. Going south-east from the city 14 or 15 Li, we come to a great Stupa. It was here that the convocation of 700 Bhiksus was held."
We have so far discussed the position of Jainism and Buddhism in Vaiśāli. Now, in order to complete the survey of Śramana tradition we have to examine the state of Ajevikism and other non-Brahmanic sects, if any at Vaiśāli.
A jevikism—Vaiśāli seems to have played an important role in the evolution Ajevika sect and it was one of the principal seats of the naked ascetics, who may be interpreted as free-lance Ajevikas or Proto-Ajevikas, if we do not accept them as the followers of Makkhali Gosalda; or members of an organised Ajevika sect. Prof. Basham observes that even before Gośālas ministry, the regions of Kāši, Kosala, Magadha, Videha (including Vaiśāli) and Champa were the homes of Peripatitic naked philosophers of the Ajevika type. 88
The presence of Ajevikas is also indicated in a Vinaya story.34 Again the Patika Sutta of the Digha-Nikaya mentions two naked ascetics who were residing at Vaišāli viz.-Kandaramasukaa nd Pātikaputta. Kandarmasuka maintained seven life-long vows of which only the first was taken: by the organised Ajevika community. This is: "As long as I live, I will
33. Basham, A. L.: History and Doctrines of the Ajevikas, p. 95. 34. Vinaya-IV, p. 91
35. Dialogus of the Buddha, III, P. 14.
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