Dhananjay Vasudeo Dwivedi
grass later. 110 Weeding should be done twice in Āśvina. Thus unripe crop grows like black gram.111 Hence every effort should be made to weed out grass. Farms free from weeds fulfil wishes of the farmers, 112
In this way one can conclude that Sanskrit texts are replete with the facts regarding propagation of plants. The importance of soil, treatment of seeds, ways of plantation, time of propagation along with importance of weeding has well been described in Sanskrit texts.
References :
1. Vrksāyurveda-45 2. Ibid, 48
Ibid, 49 Ibid, 49 Ibid, 50 Ibid, 51 Rgveda-1/125/5 Vājasaneyi Samhitā- 146/43 Amarkośa- 2/1/1-5, 9-11 Rgveda-1/127/6; 4/41/6 Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa-2/1/1/16
Rgveda-1/116/4 13. Yajurveda-18/14 14. Atharvaveda-10/6/33 15. Vřksāyurveda 35 16. Suśruta Samhitā-Sūtrasthāna 35/42-43) 17. Vrksāyurveda a of Parāśara-Bijotpatti Kānda 2/4
Ibid, 2/8. Ibid, 2/10 Ibid, 2/10 Vrksāyurveda -40 Ibid, 41 Ibid, 42 Ibid, 43 Ibid, 35 Ibid, 36