Bhartphari's Approach To Vākya-Śakti* .
Gayatri Rath
'Sakti' the term has a varied interpretation given by Alankārikas, Mimāmsakas, Prācina-Naiyāyikas, Navya-Naiyāyikas and the Grammarians in the context of sabdārthasambandha. Rhetoricians accept the sabda and artha as the śarīra of kāvya. They told about three types of sakti for knowing the meaning of the word (arthāvbodha) i.e., i) abhidhā, ii) lakṣaṇā, iii) vyañjanā. These are otehrwise called as vrtti, i.e. the expressive relation of a word with its meaning which is final and generally accepted view.
According to the Grammarians in the process of verbal understanding, when the words are uttered and the listener listens to those words, at the time he is reminded of the respective meanings of those words. This remembrance of meaning is possible through the relationship existing between them. The knowledge of that relation is very important in the context of the process of verbal understanding (śābdabodha). It is defined as the relationship existing between the word and its meaning which is capable of generating the remembrance of the word-meaning, is essential for verbal understanding. In the first chapter of Parama Laghumañjusā of Nāgeśa 'sakti' is widely defined and discussed in the context of vrttivicāra, where he has given a number of references from vākyapadīya (VP) of Bhartrhari (Bh). In this attempt, the Philosopher-grammarian Bh's view about the sabdaśakti as well as of the vākya-śakti is pointed out and concluded the grammarian's view of sakti i.e. 'tasmād padārthayoh sambandhāntaram eva Śaktiḥ vācya vācakabhāvāparaparyāyā (Nāgeśa's Mañjusā, saktinirūpanam)
Paper read and discussed in 43rd session of A.I.O.C. held at University of Jammu, Jammu (Tawi) on 12th-14th Oct. 2006