Dinanath Sharma
अथ खो उपालिस्स मातापितूनं एतदहोसि-सचे खो उपालि लेखं सिक्खेय्य एवं खो अम्हाकं अच्चयेन सुखञ्च जीवेय्य न च किलमेय्या ति । अथ खो उपालिस्स मातापितूनं एतदहोसि - सचे खो उपालि लेखं सिक्खिस्सति अंगुलियो दुक्खा भविस्संति ।
- विनयपिटक-महावग्ग - ३६ उपालिदारकवत्थु page - 97 Writing system served many purposes. 1 - Personal and official letters were written to convey the message to the concerned persons. 2 - Government manifestos were resolved and circulated to the people. 3 - Family activities were recorded or conveyed through writing. 4 - Religious and political maxims were written to make people aware of ethics and laws. 5 - Loan accounts and interest were recorded on paper by writing. 6 - Treatises were written on manuscripts.
ये केचि पब्बजितुकामा ते इमे गेण्हन्तु ति अक्खराणि लिखित्वा अमनुस्से च भेरवसद्दे मिगपक्खिनो च पटिक्कमापेत्वा सकट्ठानमेव गतो ।
खुद्दकनिकाये जातकट्ठकथा-वेस्संतरजातकवण्णना-विनयवेसनकंडवण्णना page - 280
There was an established tradition of scribes and palaeography was taught in course of education.
तेन खो पन समयेन सेले ब्राह्मणो आपणे पटिवसति तिण्णं वेदानं पारगू सनघंटुकेटुभानं साक्खरभेदानं इतिहास पञ्चमानं पदको वेय्याकरणो लोकायत महापुरसि लक्खणेसु अनवयो तीणि माणवकसतानि मन्ते वाचेति ।
- सुत्तनिपात-महावग्ग-सेलसुत्त page-186 Grammarians and rhetoricians were called Akkharacintaka. तथा हि अनेक-सामात्थियनिचिता सद्दा ति अक्खरचिन्तका वदंति ।
- खुद्दकनिकाय-नेत्तिप्पकरणटीका-निदानकथावण्णना page-17 Katahaka, the slave of a businessman used to go to school with the portrait of his master's son. He learnt writing and reading thereby. He proved himself to the son of the businessman by a fake letter with original seal on it and married to the daughter of another businessman.
- Katahaka Jataka. A teacher of Takshashila University wrote letter to his alumni.
- Mahasutasoma Jataka A king, who had renounced the world, stayed in a village in course