Bansidhar Bhatt
Patañjali : Sandesara :
Satapatha Br. :
Schrader :
The Oriental Mss. Lib. of the Uni. of Travancore, Trivandrum 1940. Patañjali's commentary on Panini, see Pāņini. Bhogilal J. Sandesara. Sveta Bhiksu (in Hindi), in Siddhāntācārya Pt. Kailashcandra Shastri Felic. Vol. Rewa (M.P.) 1980; pp. 202–204. Satapatha Brāhmana (Madhyandina Recension) with extracts from Sāyana's commentary; ed. Albrecht Weber 1855. Reprint : Chaukhamba Skt. Series 96; Varanasi 1964. F. Otto Schrader. Über den Stand der Indischen Philosophie zur Zeit Mahāvīras and Buddhas, Strassburg, 1902. Sad Darśana Samuccaya (of Haribhadra) see Haribhadra. SDS. Śvetāśvatara Up. see Patrick Olivelle : The Early Uparisads. Annotated text and Tr. Oxford Uni. Press, New York 1998, No.IX. J. Tieffenthaler: Beschreibung von Hindustan, veroffentlicht von J. Bernoulli (1985-1988). (place ?) Upanisad Visnu Purāna with the commentary of Śrīdharācārya. Vols. 1-2. ed. Pt. Thanesh Chandra Upreti; Parimal Pbl. Delhi 1986-1987.
ŞDS. :
svet. Up :
Tieffenthaler :
Up.: Vişnu Purāņa :
B Jaina Sources Abhayadeva on Bhag. :
Abhayadeva on Sthāna :
Viyāhapannatti (= Bhagavatī) with Abhayadeva's commentary; Parts 1-4; ed. Rşabhadeva – Kesarimalla - Svetambara Samsthā, Ratlam. 1940-1950 ? Sthānānga Sūtra with Abhayadeva's commentary, ed. Śrī Siddhi Bhuvan Manohar Jain Granth Mālā Ser 1. (Parts 1-3); ed. muni Jambūvijayaji. Jaina Ātmānand Sabha. Bhavnagar 2003. Ācāra (Pkt. Āyāra) in : Ācārānga Sūtra and Sūtrakļānga Sūtra with Niryuktis and Silānkācārya's commentary; ed. muni
Āc. :