Dr. A.P.J. Kalam, Former President, India
him. I myself experienced this when I met Acharya Mahaprajnaji and Adhyatma Sadhna Kendra, Mehrauli, 1999 at around mid night.
He prayed three times with his distinguished Jain Munijis for the welfare of the nation and the people. After the prayers, I still remember, he gave a divinely message to me which still reverberates in my mind. He said, "Kalam, God bless you for what you have done with your team. The God Almighty has a bigger mission for you and that is why you are here with me today. I know our country is a nuclear nation now. The mission for you is greater than what you and your team have done, and it is greater than any human being had ever done. The nuclear weapons are proliferating in tens and thousands in the world. I command with all the divine blessings, you and only you, to find a solution to make the same nuclear weapons ineffective, insignificant and politically inconsequential."
When Acharyaji finished his Great advice, there was a pin drop silence; it looked to me as though the confluence of heavens concurred with the sagical message. This command shook me for the first time in my sixty eight years of life (now I am eighty one.) It had since then become a challenge working on me and has become a motto of my life.
Le me now recite one kural (couplet) from my favorite Thamiz classic composed over 2200 years ago by Thiruvalluvar. The Saint Poet has devoted one full chapter of 10 kurals out of 1330 kurals to Tapas.
It means, with the power of Tapas, if one discards the attachment to ones own life and "I” the "ahankar” in him, then all lives in the universe will bow before him. That will bring the unity of minds which will transform the religion into spirituality.
With these words, I inaugurate the e-Library of LDII and launch the Gujarati translation of english book "Many Faces of Peace" by Dr. Homi Dhalla. My best wishes to all the participated members success in their knowledge dissemination mission.
May God Bless you.