Vol. XXXIV, 2011
Appashastricharitam : Evaluation of a Biography . 59 पण्डिता इदानीं ये केवलं तद्-वादमात्रनिष्णातावर्तन्ते, दूरे संस्कृत-भाषा-गद्य-विलेखन-सख्याः । किं तु सुदुर्लभ एव अप्पाशास्त्रिसदृशः पाण्डित्यविषये सरस-मधुर-वाङ्गमुखावलेखन-विषये च समं प्रवर्तमानः पाण्डित-रसिकः । अतस्तेनैव प्रचार्यमाणायाः सूनृतवादिन्या रामणीयकविषये न कस्यापि जायेत संशयावकाशः । अतो ये तावद एनां न आदरपरःसरं अवलोकन्ते न तेष अस्माकं रोषः, कि त दयैव । 3tapa azi waalfer 372416ci yeri BERTERYGT a n i facere: 1" AC, p. 137).
Rules for subscribers and authors were same as Chandrika. (AC, p. 148). Appashastri also declared that whoever will buy ten issues of Sunrtavadini, would get one issue free. (AC, p. 150).
Sunrtavādini and Chandrika both periodicals were printed from Modavrutta Printing Press at Wai. Though, Kashinathshastri Lele was no more connected with this press. Appashastri gave eighth issue of Sunstavādini to the press on 15-1-1907. It was Tuesday. Sunrtavadini was to be published on Thursday. Somebody from Modavrutta press came to him on tuesday only and conveyed some message. The purport of the message was, Sunstavādini would not be printed, since there was some mistake in the agreement. (AC, P. 153). 1906 C.E. onwards both periodicals were printed in Srikrishna Press which was owned by Kashinathshastri Lele. Shri Lele formerly was attached to Modavrutta Press. He also had bad experience with Modavrutta Press. Sunstavādini's fourteeth issue was published in April 1906. Then there was plague epidemic again in Wai. Therefore, publication was delayed for a month. (AC, p. 159), This also hindered propagation of Chandrika. Epidemic of Wai town continued probably until August of 1907 C.E. Appashastri left Wai again for Kolhapur. (AC, p. 169) At this difficult time, Appashastri's second wife also expired along with her son. (AC, p. 170) All these difficulties caused delay in publication of both the periodicals for three months. Some good thing also happended during this year. Appashastri bought printing machine. It was his long cherished dream to print his periodicals on his own press. ("अभिलष्यते किल अस्माभिरचिरादेव स्वीय एव मुद्रायन्त्रे प्रकाशनं सूनृतवादिन्याः । तत एव क्रीतं मुद्रायंत्रमस्माभिः । किन्तु कुतोऽपि दैवकृतात्प्रतिबन्धकाद्विलम्बते सोऽयं मनोरथोऽस्माकम् । अतः परमपि साधयिष्यामः स्वीयमभिलषितं यदिनावहेत् प्रातिकूल्यं नियतिः । प्रतिष्ठापिते य स्वीये मुद्रायन्त्रे nafilharzi pertafeln: 1" AC, p. 173)
Circulation of Sunstavādini became wider. It is known from the advertisement in English published in Sunrtavādinni's 44th issue. It reads as follows : "This Sanskrit paper Sunritavādini has a very wide circulation in all parts of India, Burma and Ceylon, and the next year which is second of the paper begins with the first of Chaitra 1830 Shaka. The size of paper is to be made larger from the first issue of the next year. Advertisers have a special advantage in publishing their advertisements in the Sunțitavādini in as much as the paper is largely circulated in India and reaches almost of all parts of the Empire. Rates of
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