S. N. Bhavasar and R. W. Boyer
tation of the infinite unity that is already present everywhere. Space doesn't begin at a point and expand out in all directions from an almost infinitely dense singularity or Planck-size quantum blasting out in a big bang from literally nothing. Rather, infinite space and eternal time phenomenally condense many 'points' simultaneously (everywhere) (1). This expanded, holistic conception of space is consistent with the contemporary model of space as flat in the sense of extending in all three directions without being curved. Theoretical physicist Brian Greene states:
"Normally, we imagine the universe began as a dotHin which there is no exterior space or time. Then, from some kind of eruption, space and time unfurled... But if the universe is spatially infinite, there was already an infinite spatial expanse at the moment of the big bang... In this setting, the big bang did not take place at one point; instead, the big bang eruption took place everywhere on the infinite expanse. Comparing this to the conventional single-dot beginning, it is as though there were many big bangs, one at each point on the infinite spatial expanse. After the big bang, space swelled, but its overall size didn't increase since something already infinite can't get any biggerì [T]his example of infinite flat space is far more than academic... [T]here is mounting evidence that the overall shape of space is not curvedì [T]he flat, infinitely large spatial shape is the front-running contender for the large-scale structure of space-time (19, pp. 249-250)."
In the holistic view, the self-referral dynamics of the unified field curving back upon itself can be said to characterize the mechanics of manifestation at all levels of nature. On the unmanifest level, it is infinite self-referral. On the ultramacroscopic manifest level, it is associated with a mandala form, as in Hiranya garbha or the cosmic egg. On the tiniest ultramicroscopic levels, it can be associated with curving back into discrete particles, including point particles, Planck-size quanta, and atomic structures (1).
"Prakritim swam avashtabhya visrijami punah punah (Bhagavad-Gita, 9.8) Curving back upon My own Nature, I create again and again.” (20)
In that perspective, space-time can be conceived in terms of the unified field as infinite eternal existence, associated with Veda (1). It is conditioned in the process of phenomenal manifestation into tangible levels of increasing localization, discreteness, and mass. These levels are perhaps more easily conceived as mediums, ethers, or “fluid-like sheathes or membranes much more abstract than conventional physical space-time. Each grosser level is permeated by, and emerges