"The Sarasvati River is no longer a myth, nor a legend; but Ground Truth”) India's culture and civilization, both flourished along the bank of Sarasvati, a few thousand years ago. This is authenticated by the Vedic texts, and later supplemented by the Epics and the Purānas. All ancient civilizations flourished along the banks of great rivers. As the great Nile was the backbone of Egyptian civilization, SindhuSarasvati was the backbone of the Vedic Civilization. The name Sarasvati itself proves that it was a mighty river with Sarasvati flowing water. ( + 377 = F , FH + agu + Shq = fract) The Rgveda (RV) glorifies this river in three entire hymns. (RV. V1.61, VII.95, 96) Besides this, the name Sarasvati occurs in the RV12 times. In all the mandalas, except the fourth mandala of Vāmadeva, the Sarasvati occurs.
Sarasvati is addressed as the Best River, Best Mother and Best Goddess. (RV. II. 41.16 H T , 31 ani, aface) She is swollen by other rivers, that is many smaller streams and tributary rivers merge in her.(RV. II.52.6 firef: f9-0411) In the later Vedic literature, names of these rivers are given. Yajurveda mentions five such rivers.? Uvata, the commentator says that these are: Drisadvatī, a rocky stream having large stones at the bottom, Shutudri, (modern Sutlej) Chandrabhāgā (modern Chenab), Vipās-t (modern Vyās/Bias) and Irāvatī, modern Rāvī. In the hymn to nvers,(RV. X. 75) Sarasvati is placed between Yamunā and Shutudri. This, according to the present day geography of India, is the place of river Ghaggar, or Sarsuti (Internet information, http:// wikipedia.org) Even without merging with other rivers, Sarasvati was undoubtedly, the majestic stream surpassing all other waters. (RV. VII.95.1) She is 'Sindhumātā'. From mountains, Himalayas, she flowed to the Western ocean, fertilizing the land on both her banks and nourishing many people, residing along her banks.
King Chitra and many others were residing on the banks of Sarasvatī, who