root cause is merely his desire - tanhã. In the situation of lack of the strength of will, he cannot perform anything even in his existence or being. In Buddhism, the whole universe is full of sorrow, and for the cessation from pain, one has to follow the right path, i.e. 'Eightfold Path' - ariya-atthangiko maggo3, but to follow this path is not so easy. If an individual being attentive towards his pains, properly understanding of their right causes, and has intention to remove them, follows the path of cessation, then only he may be free from suffering, otherwise he travels through many existence of births. Most painful is births again and again. Till the remaining of desires an individual comes into existence of birth, but whenever desires vanish, their causes do not remain for becoming. Therefore he does not travel through rebirth. Thus, among various causes of the existence of birth of an individual the root cause is his thirst(tanhā) only.
We also observe in our daily life that an individual has thirst for gaining various objects, in gaining he feels pleasure, and again he becomes painful for their protection, or has do fear for losing them, or again becomes painful to achieve more than that. So, an individual has stress in his mental state of mind in both situations - losing or gaining -pain or pleasure. In the clinic of the theory of Buddhist Kamma, there is only one remedy in the form of cessation of desire or strength of will, through this remedy one can remove his all kinds of stress - mental or physical, even from his daily life. As a matter of fact an individual comes into existence due to blemishes of desire, malice, delusion, sensual pleasure, hatred, arrogance and ignorance etc.. In Buddhist accomplishment, for removing the above blemishes, following the right path is essential, which is the 'Fourth Noble Truth'. the practice leading to the cessation of suffering dukkhanirodhagāminīpatipadā i.e. 'The Eightfold Path'.5 On this road, all eight parts are included in good deeds of action - kusalakammam. The Buddha has summed up that he proclaims only two things - suffering and cessation from suffering. In this path, virtuous conduct, meditative and intuitive state of mind is indispensable. As stated in Samyuttanikāya that an individual who is always accomplished with virtuous acts, wisdom and with properly concentrated mind, proper efforts for removing evils, obtaining goodness, and firmly determined, crosses the difficult worldly stream. This path may be followed by way of the three attributes - impermanence, sorrowfulness and non-self.: All things are impermanent, lacking in self or reality, and therefore unsatisfactory and