Vol. XXX, 2006
References : 1. काव्यालंकार, of Rudrata, with the commentary by नमिसाधुed by दुर्गाप्रसाद, NSP, Third Edition,
1909, P. 2. 2. History of Sanskrit Poetics, by S. K. De, Vol II, Reprint 1988, Pub. by Firma KLM Printed
Ltd. Calcutta, P. 59. 3. Kavyalamkār of Bhāmaha, ed. by P. V. Naganatha Sastry, Second Edn. 1970, pub. by Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi, 1-21, p. 8.
ādarśa of Dandin, Gujarati edn. by Dr. Anantaray Raval and Dr. Aruna Patel, First Edn., 1998, Parshva, Publication, 1-18, p. 55. 5. Kāvyālamkāra of Bhāmaha, ed. by D. V. Naganatha Sastry, Second Edn. 1970, pub. by
Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi, 5-3, p. 89. 6. Kāvyadarśa of Dandin, Gujarati Edn., by Dr. Anantaray Raval and Dr. Aruna Patel, First
Edn. 1998, Parshva Prakashan 1-51 p. 68. 7. Free with 34744ari Vol II ed. by Parshvanath Dvivedi, First Edn., 1996, pub. by
Ufugienia faufalta, arrit, p. 227. 8. Ibid p. 231. 9. Kāvyālamkāra of Rudrața, with the commentary by aftry, ed. by gug NSP, Third,
Edn. 1909, p. 151. 10. History of Sanskrit Poetics by S. K. De, Vol II, Reprint 1988, pub. by Firma KLM Private
Ltd. Calcutta, p. 59.