Problems concerning miniature paintings of India engaged the mind of the writer of this paper for many years. In order to find a suitable solution for determining authenticity of works of art and their correct date, he had opportunities to examine and evaluate large number of miniature paintings of Indian origin with the help of modern scientific techniques. Such studies convinced that in addition to stylistic and formative investigation based on comparative studies, it is also essential to know as much as possible about internal characteristics of such paintings based on advanced scientific examination and analysis. Along with Art historical studies, technical studies for knowing the compostion paint, nature of pigments and binding media used in the preparation of paints, writing ink, painting technique, writing techniquelo are equally valuable for the purpose of assessment and evaluation of paintings in respect of authenticity and correct dating. One cannot ignore the fact that external stylistic aspects of a painting are closely related and intimately interlinked with its internal aspects. For a correct appraisal and accurate evaluation of miniature paintings, technical investigation are absolute desideratum. Art historical studies will not do justice to the subject without the knowledge of artist's material and artist's technique.
Modern science has gone a long way in investigating artist's material and artist's technique.12
Both micro-chemical analysis and spectro-graphic analysis are essential for detection of artist's material. The technique suitable for identification of in-organic and organic pigments is the infra-red absorption spectro-graph in which the infrared spectrograms are identified with the aid of reference spectra.
Gas chromatography, thin-layer chromatography and ultra-violetabsorption spectrographic analysis are very useful techniques for the purpose of identification of organic pigments and binding media.
Microscopic examination 13 is essential in micro-chemical analysis. Microscopic examination reveals prominet aspects of physical character of pigments namely, grain-size and grain-shape. Individual pigment particle often reveals a typical behaviour under polarized light. Naturally occurring pigments often contain characteristic acompanying minerals. 14 All these physical