Vol-1, xxix
3. Iyer, Bharatha K.; Indian Art; Asia Publishing House, Bombay; 1958 p.7 4. Sivaramamurti; Painter in Ancient India, Abinav Publications, New Delhi; 1978 p.4 5. Sivaramamurti; Chitrasutra of Vishnudharmottara, Kanak Publications, New Delhi; 1978
p.2 6. Sivaramamurti; Painter in Ancient India, Abinav Publications, New Delhi; 1978 p.9 7. Sivaramamurti; Painter in Ancient India, Abinav Publications, New Delhi; 1978 p.14
Reference :
(1) Apte, V. M.; Social and Religious life in Grihasutras; The popular book depot, Bombay;
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1978 (7) Sivaramamurti, The Painter in Ancient India; Abinav Publications, New Delhi; 1978 (8) Walimbe, R. S.; Arts in Ancient Indian-History and Aesthetics; M Joshi and Lokhande
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