In order to deal with this problem from all possible viewpoints, and in all possible aspects, we have approached the problem with the following objectives, viz., (i) to try to trace the handwritten manuscript (note-books) of Swami Shri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji Maharaja comprising sixteen volumes of the work, which is supposed to have devoted one volume each for each of the sixteen principal Sūtras of 'Vedic Mathematics', as given by him; (ii) to try to trace the Vedic Mathematics Sūtras from the extent Vedic texts; (iii) to trace the terminology of the Vedic Mathematics Sūtras from the Vedic texts; (iv) to examine the validity of the term 'Vedic as applied to the Vedic Mathematics Sutras; (v) to collate the mathematical data from the Vedic literature; (vi) to compare the VM terminology with that of the medieval mathematicians; (vii) and to compare the mathematical functions of the Sutras with those of the medieval mathematicians. Findings : I. About the Handwritten Manuscript Notebooks of BKTM on VM in
sixteen volumes :
In his "Author's Preface" to the “Vedic Mathematics or Sixteen Simple Mathematical Formulae from the Vedas (For One-line Answers to All Mathematical Problems''1, H. H. Shri Jagad-Guru Shankaracharya (the late) Swamy Shri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji Maharaja of the Govardhana Peetha Mutt, Puri, has declared, himself about "Vedic Sutras dealt with in the 16 volumes" on Vedic Mathematics.2 Smt. Manjulaben Trivedi, the Hon. General Secretary of Sri Vishva Punarnirmana Sangha, Nagpur, who has been a very close and favourite disciple along with her late husband Shri Chimanbhai M. Trivedi, of Shri Jagadguruji BKTM, has noted in the introductory article to the VM3 that the revered Guruji used to say that he had reconstructed the sixteen mathematical formula (given in the text) from the Atharvaveda after arduous research and "Tapas' of about eight years in the forest of Sringeri.
From the life-sketch given by Smt. Manjulaben, it seems that, as Venkatraman, BKTM was born in March 1884, passed his M.A. Examination of the American College of Science, Rochester, New York, with Sanskrit, Philosophy, English, Mathematics, History and Science, securing the highest honours in all the seven subjects. As Professor Venkatraman Saraswati, he started his public life under the guidance of Late Hon'ble Shri Gopal Krishna