Kane edn. (d. 120-121) & G. K. B. edn. (p. 160) of the UC. have mentioned
add in the ft. note, while Kale edn. (p. 138-139) of the UC. has the other reading queld in the ft. note. Both the editions of the KS. have g add only. * FASCETEA UBAYTHT - This reading is accepted by N. S. edn. (p. 139-140), Kane edn. (p. 120-121), G. K. B. edn. (p. 160), Kale edn. (p. 138-139) & U. J. edn. (p. 236) of the U. C., while S. K. edn. (p. 72) & S. R. edn. (p. 52) of the UC. have ochisaTOSH for outsolgusu AT.
This other reading 0747... is also mentioned in the ft. note by G. K. B. edn. (p. 160), Kane edn. (p. 120-121) & Kale edn. (p. 138-139) of the U. C. The Kale edn. of the UC. has the another reading i.e. gefasopausar also in the ft. note. Both the editions of the Ks. have ०दमनेऽप्यखण्ड - यशसो only. * Brgy Gift - This variant is seen in N. S. edn. (p. 139-140) of the UC. only; while the other editions have 349216YcIf for gaineift. See - Kane edn. (p. 120-121), Kale edn. (p. 138-139), G. K. B. edn. (p. 160), U. J. edn. (p. 236), & S. R. edn. (p. 52) of the UC. S. K. edn. of the UC. (p. 72) has gilycifht for gatyerf. Kane edn. of the UC. (p. 120-121) has mentioned a f & Beatyaif in the ft. note, while G. K. B. edn. of the UC. (p. 160) has mentioned the third reading ginigailt also with these two readings in the ft. note. Both the editions of the KS. differ in giving this variant. Bombay edn. (p. 142-143) of the KS. has alucil, while K. M. edn. (p. 117) of the Ks. has कुतोमुखानि.