5. Uttararāmacarita (only Text) - (S. K. edition) Ed. - Shri S. K. Belvalkar.
Pub. - Oriental Book Supplying Agency, Poona, 1931.
6. Uttararāmacarita - (S. R. edition) Ed. - Shri Saradranjan Ray. Pub. - S.
Ray & Co., Calcutta & Dacca, 1924
7. Uttararāmacarita - (U. J. edition) Ed. - Shri Umashankar Joshi. Pub. - Jivan
Sahitya Mandir, Ahmedabad, First edition, 1950.
Here we have also taken into account the following editions of KS.
1. Kāvyānusāsana - Kāvyamālā (= K. M. edition) Ed. - Shri Pandit Sivadatta
& Shri Kasinath Pandurang Parab Revised by Shri W. L. Shastri Pansikar. Pub. Nirnayasagar Press, Bombay, Second edition, 1934
2. Kāvyānusāsana - (Bombay edition) Ed. - Shri Rasiklal Parikh & Shri Dr.
V. M. Kulkarni. Pub. - Sri Mahavir Jain Vidyalaya, Bombay, Second edition, 1964.
There are eight verses from UC. illustrated in the KS. at various places. These illustrations are cited from N. S. edn. of UC.
दशिथिलपरिरम्भैर्दत्तसंवाहनानि। परिमृदितमृणालीदुर्बलान्यङ्गकानि
rayxht 44 Brat e fs1496 11 - UC. - 1.24 In this verse the variants are as under - * Oftato
NS. edition (p. 29) Kane edition (p. 16) of the UC. have this reading, while S. K. edn. (p. 8), S. R. edn. (p. 57-58) & U. J. edn. (p. 28) have great for afeta. Kale edn. (p. 25) & G. K. B. edn. (p. 16) have accepted afta but they have mentioned ifta in the ft. note.
KS. (K. M. edn.) (p. 112) & KS. (Bombay edn.) (p. 137) have also
feat for afsta