As to the metaphysics, mathematics, physics and other subjects, BKTM ha from a long time ago, that the Vedas which openly declare that these sul are integral parts of the Vedic scriptures should be studied from the stand of the scholar, from the standpoint of a person who is absolutely impartial no prejudices, no presuppositions, a person who is a seeker after truth welcomes the truth from whatever direction it may come. So we have to with open minds, nothing a priory, nothing taken for granted. We have had centuries of tradition over a long period of time, not merely various clir So far as the Indian scriptures are concerned, we donot find any difficul all because each science is an integral part of a particular Veda, a parti scriptural portion of our literature.37
As has been aptly remarked by Swami Pratyagatmananda Saraswati, 38 BI belonged to a race, now fast becoming extinct, of die-hard believers think that the Vedas represent an inexhaustible mine of profoundest wis in matters both spiritual and temporal; and that this store of wisdom not, as regards its assets of fundamental validity and value at least, gath by laborious inductive and deductive methods of ordinary systematic inq but was a direct gift of revelation to seers and sages who in their hi reaches of Yogic realisation were competent to receive it from a soi perfect, immaculate. To carry conviction, BKTM has, by his comparative and critical study of Vedic Mathematics, made abundantly clear the essential requirement of b prepared to go the whole length of testing and verification by accepted accredited methods. 39
That there is a condolidated metaphysical background in the Vedas of objective sciences including mathematics as regards the basic conception a point that may be granted by a thinker who has looked broadly and de into both the realms.... That metaphysical background includes mathem: also; because physics as ever pursued is the application of mathematic: given or specified space-time-event situations. The late Shankaracharya claimed, and rightly we may think, that the Vedic Sutras and their af cations possess these virtues to a degree of eminence that cannot challenged. The outstanding merit of this work lies in his actual proving this contention.40