Vol XXII, 1998
complete glossary, as Bollée did with the Pında-nıryuktı and the Oha-nıryuktı, or with an ample selection of important words, as he himself did in the case of small Nijuktis on the earlier canonical texts The BKBh being still verginal territory so far, he has once more opted for this third approach to start work on it Prof Bollée has further pointed out that glossanes of this kind may, on the one hand, serve as an index rerum and a complement to the table of contents, on the other, they can provide the new Dictionary of the Prakrit Languages appearing in Pune and the supplements of Turner's Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-aryan Languages with new words, wordforms and references, and thus may indirectly also be useful for the etymological references in dictionaries of modern Indian languages In the case of the text, although Prof Bollée has taken it to serve mainly as a reference, it was metrically checked and a number of emendations were made, but minor variants like ve u/o, n/n, ya- and ta-sruti have not been considered Further, various parallels were added from other texts which happened to have at least pratīka-indices, viz Nisītha-bhāsya, Nuryuktı-samgraha, Višesāvasyaka-bhāsya, and Pravacana-sāroddhāra.
Now, as regards the contents of Bollee's Edition Part One contains Preface, Abbreviations, Summary of the contents of the BKBh vols 1-3 and translation of the Kappasutta 1, Introduction, Volume one (Vss 1-806), Volume two (Vss 807-2124), Volume Three (Vss 2125-3289), Corrections on Material for an Edition and Study of the Punda- and Oha- Nijjuttis of the Svetāmbara Jain Tradition, Vol II Stuttgart 1994, Corrections on The Nijuttis on the Seniors of the Śvetämbara Siddhānta Stuttgart 1995, Appendıx, Elfrun Linke's Glossary of Schubring's Doctrine of the Jainas
Part two contains Preface, Summary of the contents of the BKBh vols 4-6 and translation of the Kappasutta 2-6, Volume four (Vss 3290-4876), Volume five (Vss 4877-6059), Volume six (Vss 6060-6490), Corrections on Materials for an Editions and Study of the Pinda- and Oha-Nujjuttis, vol II stuttgart 1994 Part three contains Preface, Abbreviations, Glossary of Selected Works, Remarkable Sanskrit words from the commentary, Bibliography, Index renum (vss) Additions and Corrections to the Glossary, and Additions to the Remarkable Sanskrit words from the Commentary