Vol XXII, 1998
published, along with a select glossary prepared by a German colleague, Thomas Oberlies (who added a large selection of Middle Indo-Aryan lexemes and their etymology) The title of the book (2 volumes) is an obvious reference to E Leumann's pioneering work I Nalını Balbir, Avasyaka-Studien Introduction générale et traductions [
P33-197, 201-472, English summary P 473-482], Thomas Oberlies, Avaśyaka-Studien Glossar ausgewahlter Worter zu E. Leumanns "Die Avasyaka-Erzahlungen” [203 pl (Stuttgart 1993, ANISH 45, 1, 45, 2) N Balbir has also published many monographs and participated in several collective projects (cf among others, her analysis, edition, French translation and commentary of Raidhu's Anatthami Paddhadī, in Indologica Taurinensia 14, 198788, p 47-77) Since Buhler's remarks on the Vividhatīrthakalpa, passages of this text have been variously used by different scholars, but there had been no analysis of the whole composition This has been attempted by Christine Chojnacki, reader in Sanskrit in the Lyon University Vividhatirthakalpah Regards sur le lieu saint jaina (Pondichéry 1995, 2 vol I French translation and commentary, II Annexes) The same scholar recently examined Maheśvarasūn's Jñanapañcam kathā, in the Bulletin d'Etudes Indiennes (= BEI 15, 1997, p 31-113, cf infra) Finally, in France also, some books are based on field work and anthropological outlook M C Mahias, Délivrance et convivialité le systéme culinaire des jaina (Pans 1985) is an investigation of the food system of Digambara Jains, especially of the Agrawala caste in Delhi, N Shåntà, La vole jaina Histoire, spiritualité, vie des ascétes pèlerines de l'Inde (Paris 1985), after general considerations, describes the Jaina nuns' life (English translation The unknown Pilgrims History, Spirituality, Life of the Jaina Women Ascetics, Delhi 1997) It has been seen above that, in The Netherlands also, Jainism has retained the attention of scholars H Tieken shows interest in "Textual problems in an early canonical Jaina text" (the Suyagada passages studied by W B Bollée, of supra), and in Prakrit (especially Ardhamāgadhi) morphology, RJ Zydenbos in Moksa in Jainism, according to Umāsvātı (Wiesbaden 1983), as well as in the almsbegging ritual of the Digambara monks, while J Bronkhorst (now in Lausanne, Switzerland) has several publications on the history of Jaina philosophy, cf The two traditions of meditation in ancient India (Stuttgart 1986, repr. Delhi), etc In Italy, at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to the small but valuable collection of Jaina manuscripts acquired especially by