(20) vt per 14t. (Ku. Sam. 1/3). Vy.V.II :To explain #4954975 this verse is cited. Here it is stated in a cluster of excellences one fault is wiped out, like the blemish in the orb of the moon. Now here, you cannot say that there is no 45446 in this description, for its apprehension is clear. Difference in cause element effects difference in result element also. Thus there is 45446 in all varieties of expression. (21). 3721 A:. (Ku. Sam. 5/40). Vy.V.II :at 546 with ref. to 16 is explained in this verse by M. (22) che a H1. (Ku. Sam. 5/71). Vy.V.II :The third fault 445 with reference to you is illustrated in this verse. The second 'a' should have been placed after '4' and so it is not in proper sequence. (23) gouf grift. (Ku. Saṁ. 3/10). Vy.V.II :3rifer you with reference to word is illustrated in this verse. The word 'पिनाकपाणि' is used for शिव. The absence of etymological - यौगिक - meaning is suggested here but it is not true that in संज्ञा-शब्दs words denoting names, यौगिक meaning cannot be read. On the otherhand the principal sense in underlined, which could not have been possible without the use of a separate IC. So, here two separate eles should have been used says M. This verse is again quoted in Vy.V.II to explain area . It is stated that I can demoralize even 19716410 & !' By the use of the synonym'' some meaning is collected which becomes a cause in afa of 19711064110, where f chifu would normally not allow it. Thus '' is rightly used here. In the context of topy also, this verse is quoted by M, wherein by 7471064110 the word ? gets a special qualification. Only sizi i.e. fyra is not meant here. (24) Fageru. (Ku. Sam. 5/16). Vy.V.II :or with ref. to try (suffix) is discussed here. In this verse the Praeity suffix is 94647 acc. to M. By aegille alone its meaning can be collected. (25) fa fa H. (Ku. Sam. 1/25); Vy.V.II :
This verse is cited in the context of पौनरुक्त्य with reference to the fourth पद. When we say, "as the digit of the moon/E TGI strengthens other digits" - the meaning is collected by the use of single 'sa'. So the use of second 'ga' is