SAMBODHI words (expressions), begging, inaintainance of one's begging bowls and depositing one's excreta. He also practices control of the mind, speech and body (guptis). A well controlled man is firmly rooted in celibacy. He is free from the possession of objects and is also free from grief and suffering. He frees oneself from conditions which generate karma bondage. A well behaved monk reinains pure in conduct like pure gold and is spotless like a conch.
A virtuous monk performs external and internal penances i.e., He abstains froin intake of food viz., refrains for certain period of time (itvarika) such as give up four meals, six meals, eight meals, ten meals, twelve meals, fourteen meals, sixteen meals, or fasts for a month, for two, three, four, five, six months and refrains for a whole life (yāvatkathika) such as remains motionless like a tree till death (pādapopagamana) and after such suspension he is not excluded from physical movement or movement of limbs (bhakta-pratyākhyāna).
A good monk is one who performs internal penances which are of six kinds viz., atonement i.e. discusses with spiritual preceptors, performs fasting, selfconfession (pratikramana) and causes hardship to one's body (kāyotsarga) and thereby performs prescribed penances of the order.
A learned monk restricts use of things viz., related to cloth, begging bowl and anything which is pleasant, trustworthy and flawless. He is one who reduces the intake of food, lives on alins, gives up crave for taste i.e., he gives up food possessing clarified butter (ghee), oil, milk, curd or jaggery, feeds on non-spiced food or fried grains soaked in water. He takes food devoid of good taste and feeds on food prepared on old cheap grains,
A well controlled monk bears all physical calamities. He remains fixed (unmoved) on the seat. He exposes oneself to heat and cold, never spits and does not care for the body in all respects. He perforis month long fasts and sits in vīrāsana posture. He controls his sense organs, passions and activities, and thereby leads a lonely life.
A true monk possesses humility of knowledge, faith, conduct, mind, words, body and thereby behaves hunbly with others. He is well acquainted with perceptual, scriptural, extra sensory, telepathic and absolute knowledge. He possesses undistorted fulfilement faith (suśrüşana-vinaya) and hunnility free from fault