Ed. Muni Jambuvijaya, the Ayaranga-suttam, Jaiiiiiiin-Agama-Series No. 2 (1), Shri Mahavira Jain Vidyalaya, Bombay 1976, I. 5.3/35, (Sk.I)
(Here 'T' represents "Book I', '5' stands for the chapter (adhyāya), '3' for the (uddeša) and '6' is the sutra number. References to Illustratiions in the text Fig. (number such and such), for a drawing referred to in the
text. Plate (number such and such)for a photographic
illustration or estampage of
fascimile of an inscription. Captions for illustrations For text figures : Place. Building (its name), or sculpture,
or estampaage of an inscription, followed by its particulars such as date and authorship, founder,
For half-tone (or colour) illustraations: Place, name of the building, identity of the
sculpture, regionl style, period or absolute (if known) or approximate date (as surmised from the content or context of an inscription
or by style-evaluation or both.) Example Sciulpture
Bhubaaneshwar. Ekamuka linga, Kalinga style, A.D. 1054. Building
Bhubaneshwar. Muktesvra temple, south aspect, Kalinaga style, c.mid 10th cent. A. D.