In the modern context we can add many things to this very short account and refer to the grave dangers that the use of religion for social supremacy and political domination by some has led to. In India there is talk of "Hindi domination" which is a political doctrine; when there is inner dissatisfaction and struggle and upheaval, the minds of the common man are drawn to "Islam in danger." in Pakistan. A campaign of killings, hatred, human salaughter etc. results from this. The use of Religion in this direction is all the more pronounced and surely this is of no benefit or any good to either Hinduism or Islam. The propagation of the doctrine of "Islamic brotherhood" or of "Jewish cause" etc., have been of no good whatsoever to religions that are exploited for political and similar other causes. This religious fundamentalism, whatever form it takes, is frought with gravest dangers for mankind. This too is a challenge to humanity and civilization both; it is in no way less dangerous than the use of atomic weapons, we can say..
Radhakrishnan next turns to the state of family-life. In his days he finds several new trends in family life that have today almost broken to pieces the fabric of family life. He begins by referring to the causes that have led to laxity in standards. He says
"A number of factors, such as the disorganization brought about the last war, economic conditions favouring late marriages, the passion for self-expression, weakened parental control, inadequate sex-education, freudian psychology, and the knowledge of the methods of birth-control which saves us from the fear of natural consequences, have brought about a laxity in standards."
The concept of male superiority, the ideal of virginity, sexual license, sexual promiscuity, breaking of the ties of marriage, divorces etc. are fast increasing; the idea of loss of morals has got loosened. He refers to four different attitudes of social idealists, sceptics, bolder spirits etc., persons believing in rampant individualism etc. Family life is thus on fire, we might say. What was true of family life in the days of Radhakrishnan is all the more true and pronounced today. We see that with the concept of individualism on the ascent, the ideal of a happy, smooth, peaceful, intimate family-life is declining. There are three mental trends-family-life going on in the thoughtless traditional way and slowly losing ground; the family of awakened educated and conscious husband and wife, in which there are more conflicts and collapsing families and families of the extremist men and women very often resulting in trial marriages and over on the