It is with great pleasure that we publish Vol-XVI of our Journal 'Sambodhi' as a special volume entitled "Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Birtli Centenary Special Volume" that was planned during the Birth centenary year of the great scholar and pundit who was rightly adjudged as a special Ambassador of Indian philosophy, Religions and culture to the world.
We are happy that the contributors deal with several facets of the scholastic personality of the ideal scholar and philosopher of Himalayan heights that Dr. Radhakrishnan was. We are sorry that some of the faccts of his contribution could not be included in this volume because some invitees could not prepare their Papers in time.
We are thankful to the local contributors who co-operated by correcting proofs of their own papers.
It is sincerely hoped that the world of scholars and interested readers will find some thing positive and original in every paper that is printed in this special Issue. The volume can very well claim to give a correct, precise and clear picture of the grand personality of one of the noblest sons of mother India.
Our Contributors in this Special Volume
1. Dr. G. K. Bhat (Late)
Former Professor of Sanskrit in Maharashtra Government and former Director, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune.
2. Dr. H. M. Joshi
Prof. of Philosophy, M. S. University, Baroda. 3. Prof. C. V. Raval
Prof. of Philosophy (Retd.), Gujarat Government Service. 4. Dr. R. S. Betai
Former Director, Institute of Indology, Dwarka. At Present, Hon. Professor and Director-in-charge, L. D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad.