in tact the ideas and the language of some of the long sections from Abhinavabhārati on the key chapters of the Natyaśāstra, the Rasādhyāya, the Bhāvādhyāya, the Daśrūpaka-vidhāna and the Sandhyadhyāya by incorporating them in their original form without abridging them. Thus, for instance, the pretty long section of Abhinavabhārati extending over fourteen pages of the Kāvyānuśāsana (Ch. II, pp. 89-103) is preserved in toto by Hemacandra. At the end of the section he acknowledges his source in these words: -
इति श्रीमानभिनवगुप्ताचार्यः । एतन्मतमेव चास्माभिरुपजीवितम् ।
For all this we all owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to him.
Hemacandra's Kāvyūnuśāsana, Rāmacandra and Guņacandra's Nät yadarpana and Ambāprasada's Kalpalatāviveka that have freely drawn on Abhinavabhārati and Dhvanyaloka-Locana are of immense help in correctrng the corrupt text as printed in the editions of Nātyaśāstra with Abhinavabhārati and Dhvanyaloka-locana-I have published a series of articles all entitled "Abhinavadhārați : Text Restored. I have also published two papers : "Abhinavabhārati: Ch. VII Recovered" ? and “Kalpalatāviveka on Abhinavabhārati”. Even a cursory glance at these papers will convince scholars of poetics of the invaluable help rendered by these Jain authors to our better understanding and appreciation of the greatest and the most valuable commentaries of Abninavabhārāti and Dhvanyä!oka-locana, of the master-critic and aesthete, second only to Anandavardhana, the author of the epoch-making work Dhvanyaloka. .
Hemacandra does not claim any originality as regards discovering any new theory of poetics. He however claims originality in his method, manner, and treatment of the subject matter. And this claim is just and legitimate.
I have done. I thank the authoritses of the Institute once again for their kind invitation and I thank you all for patient hearing.