Sudarshan Kumar Sharma
Sudarsanaya Sahāmātyena bhūtikenānitah. Samprati Rajakulam praviştalı. Svayam Kila Kaširājo yajñavyāpāreņa nāgatal. Kinnu
khalvetatbhavişyati... Ibid, p. 173. 16. Náradah-Tavayam putrognerutpannah. Tvadbhaginyal Sucetanayah
praseva-samakala eva tatsutah Svargam gatah. Tavayam Putrastvadbhog-inyai tvaya clattah. Sauvira-rājascasavatyanta Santuştah pritiSadrsih Kriyah kftvä Vişnusena iti Samjñāmakarot. Amanusasvarūpa. balavirya parakramenanena Vardhamanena Yasmada virüpadhari marito'surah. tasmādavi-maraka iti-Visnusenam loko braviti tatahi so'pi brahmasäpa-paribhraş-to-hasti Sambhramadivase Kurangim drstva Samutpaunabhilasah pareņa pauruşena sangamya Kurangya darśanasankitaih Kanyā purarakşibhih Pariksyamano'gninābhogavia
Pracchadito uirgatal, Ibid. VI, pp. 183-184. 17. Kasiraja and Sauvirarāja being the two sisters' husbands of Kunti
bhoja, Kurangi and Sumitrā became the maternal cousins of the two. Both therefore, were married to their father's sister's sons-an unusual law not so well spoken of in the Hindu Code of law. To quote Dr. A. D. Pusalkar here--"The marriage of Avimaraka is important to us from the fact of its disregarding the rule of Sapinda exogamy or Coasanguinity. In the Vedic times and the Buddhist age as we have already seen marriages with cognatic relations to the third degree were recognised. We have also seen that the Dharma Sutras and the Smptis fixed the limit, prohibiting marriages with materual relations to the fifth or seventh degrees and paternal relations for the Sevenths degree. Now in the Avimaraka we find that the Prince is marrying the maternal uncle's daughter who was at the same time bis paternal aunt's daughter. Marriage with a mate. rnal uncle's daughter is not uncommon on this side, being recognised by Baudhayana and approved by local custom. Marriage with a paternal Aunt's daughter, however, being rather uncommon and being with the third generation suggests fairly old time before composition of the Smrtis which accords well with the time assigned to these
plays. BHĀSA-A STUDY, P 377. 18. P. 2, Verse 4.
9. CP Story of King Udayana as revealed from Sanskrta, Pali and
Prakta sources by Dr. Niti Adaval, pp. 71-72, Published by Chow
khamba Sanskrit Series Office, Vārāṇasi I, 1970. 8. Dhvanyalokaḥ Srimacasandavapdhanācārya Viracitah edited by Dr.
Ramasagara Tripathi, Second Part, 3-4 Udyotas, Published by Messrs Moti Lal Banarasi Dass, First edition 1963, p. 819.