Sudarshan Kumar Sharma
"Pratijñayaugandhara yana "3 and Avimārak 4 the two plays of Bhasa illustrate a term 'Kasiraja' which deserves a thorough probe as to what King in the annals of ancient times is represented by this term. Taken literally it means-“The King of Kasi". In Pratijfa yaugandharayana (PRY) the term has been employed to indicate the point that a Kasiraja's Upadhaya Jaivanti had been received by Mahasena the King of Ujjayini as a Courier meant to intercede on behalf of Käsiraja for the hand of Vasavadatta the only daughter of Mahasena for whose hand suitors from Magadha, Vanga or Anga, Saurastra, Mithila and Sūras na had also sent their Couriers. Inwardly Mahasena wanted to bestow Vāsavadattā unto Udayana who had sent no courier. Vatsaraja Udayana was in all probability having a fascination for the Kalatra6 stationed in Venovana before starting for the Nagavana, whose name in all probability was Viracika.? The ruse of the Shamtusker had been devised to entangle per force Udayana, for the espousal of Vasavadatta. The ruse could bcar fruit or fail since Yaugandharayana, the astute statesman was always at the back and call of Udayana to render service for the 3-curity of his interests..
" Raja-atha Kimuparato Yaugandharāyanah ? Kancukiyah-Na khalu. Kaušāıbyam Kila. Raja-Yadyevam na grhito Vatsarajah-obviously proves this point.
" Kasirajopadhyayo Jaivantih", however had been treated exceptionally by Mahasena in so far as he had ordered an ovation for him having kept in abeyance the special ovation in case of other conriers. Mahasena however, spared not even Jaivantih in line with other couriers in so far as he did neither approve of the embassy of any amongst them nor disapprove of it. Rather he felt rueful for the curt behaviour and cold shoulder offerred unto him by one who had been mentally preconceived as the suitable suitor for Vasavadatta, i.e. Vatsaraja Udayana son of Satanika and a daughter's son of Saliasranika the over-lord of Kausambi.
" Kaširajopādhyāya Jaivantiḥ " had been preferred to all the other suitors' couriers and hence had been given an oiatim of exceptional
Sambodhi XIII-8