that the topics selected are scientifically good, very ably analysed and have the capacity to create a better idea of the concept of Pratibha as applied to Kalidasa and a better understanding of the real greatness of this preceptor of the family of poets The detailed study of the images is more descriptive and narrative and does not mostly refer to their effectiveness in touching the very vitals and depth of the human heart. However, as stated earlier, the classification is detailed, systematic and scientific We can also state that no image has escaped the purview of the author. That speaks for the care with which she has studied the works of Kalidasa and after a study of years, contributed this research work. The concept of metaphor is far wider in western criticism than in Sanskrit and the author has done full justice to the poet. That proves that the present work can be classed as a fairly good study in comparative criticsm. She has paved the way for more such studies. We welcome the work for all its worth. It brings us nearer to the depth of Kalidasa's vision and thought that create the real aesthetic beauty in his works....
-R. S. Belai
Faith, Praver and Grace- Cassian R. Agera, Mittal publications Delhi-110035, 1987, pp. 239.
The monograph under review is a revised version of Dr. C. R. Agera's thesis which was submitted for the Ph. D. degree in Philosophy, University of Delhi. This is a first critical and comparative study on conception of Faith, Prayer and Grace of two stalwarts, viz Sri Ramanuja of India and Kierkegaard of Denmark.
Faith and prayer play a vital role in religious life of man. Infact they are central point to the good life. Faith is not a blind belief. It is a dynamic and a constructive force in our life. Faith and rationalism, are not opposed to each other, as some people think. Infact they supplement each other. The faculty of pure reasoning leads us to knowledge and knowledge gives us faith. An indepth study. reveals that the complete picture of mental phenomena consists of belief, reason, knowledge and faith. Our mind climbs from belief to reason, trough reason to knowledge and from knowledge to ultimate faith. This is called Sradha. Thus from the crudest concept of religion to its purest and loftiest experssion, tremendous emphasis has always been laid upon faith. Prayer, is nothing but an expression of inner devotion, the source of which is, again faith.