KAVYABANDHA OR VAKYAVINYASA (According to Narendraprabhasari)
R. S. Betai
It is known to all more or less that Sabda and Artha constitute the medium through which a poet's expression of emotions and also poetic. beauty take shape. The hammer and chisel of the architect, the paper, brush and colours of the painter, the bodily grace and movements of the dancer, the voice and instrument of the musician-just like these the poet's media are Sabda and Artha. As the poet gives shape in Kavya to his own experience of poetic inspiration, he makes use of typically unique Sabda and Artha. These he uses as per his own pleasure and free-will, extracts from these Sabda and Artha, far greater and sweeter meaning than they are capable of yielding ordinarily and thus gives new life to them. Sabda and Artha thus constitute the body of Kavya, and still they are not just the body or Kavya, they are much more than this. The poct therefore, consciously, in his state of training and unconsciously, naturally and effortlessly in his state of attainment, concentrates all the more on the typical uniqueness of Sabda and Artha. The originality and novelty which he imparts on these, and their new capacity to yield varied indescribable shades of meaning- all this leads to the discussion on and analysis of "Sabda and Artha in Kavya"; "word-power in poetry"; "Vakyavinyasa in Kavya" etc. by the literary critics.
In Alankaramah dadhi
In his A.M., NPS states that his thinking is inspired and enriched by the thinking of his able pradecessors. Still, his thinking is no doubt ocean-like as the title of the work claims. Again, in the evolution of style, methodology, expanse, illustrations, internal arrangement, poetic thought etc., NPS exhibits a uniquely original scholarship and grasp. At several places and in some contexts, he has developed some doctrines that are uniquely original and his own positive contribution to poetics. Several proofs of this are available to us in this vast work. Here, we take up his discussion on Kävyabandha or Vakavinyasa.2
Abbreviations used in this Paper-NPS-Narendraprabhasuri; A.M.Alankaramahodadhi, Ananda-Anandavardhana, Abhinava-Abhinavagupta. Sambodhi XIII-3