Origin and Development of Jaina Sanhha
Jbid. Abhi
Tapassi homi pa jegucche
37. Sa
zijānāmi klo panahan, Sāriputta, Caturangasamannāgatam rahmacariyam Carita /
passi sudam lomi paramata passi, lükho sudam mi paramalūkho, jegucchi, sudam homi paramaLIcchi, pavivitto sudam homi paramavivitto 1"
Mahasimhanānda Sutta, Majjhimanikaya, 1, pp. 109 ff. 16. Rea
lly speaking Cāturyamika instruction was of Pārsvanatha. amaññaphalasutta; Tiganthanātaputtavādo,
ghanikāya, p. 50.2.21. A usilan, p. 454.
ce the English translation of Dighanikaya, S B.E., II, p. 74 Hindi Traslation of Sri Jagadish Kāšyapa, p. 21
the Palikosa also the meaning of 'vāri' in "Varivärita' has been written as water, 40. A cărānga Sutta, 2. 178, p. 424. 41. Sätrakstānga, Cūrni 6. 28. 42. Ibid., Tika, 6. 28
43. Prof. Dr. H. Bhayani has suggested that in tha words 'Cori' derived
from caurya, 'madhuri' from madhurya, 'desi' from desya and karisi' from karisyati, etc. there is found the use of 'i' or 'ya'. According to this rule, the form of the word 'Vārya' can be used as Vari.
44. Isibhasiyāim 29. 19.