11. C. Bhavani
The observations made above about the functions of various metres in MK, hold good in the case of JC. also. Some special remarks follow. No. 1. v. 2495-2506 make up a Kadavaka. It is a hymn to Rşabha.
No 2. Paddhadt is used at vy. 1721-1729 for variation
No. 4. We have three long passages in Rasavalaya, vv. 1730-1753 describe
female beauty, vv. 2659-2684 describe seasons. vv. 2692-2699 describe Bharata's repentant mood and Rşablia's observations.
No. 10. Radda is extensively used in JC. We have a total of 320 vy.
vy. 1375-1384 describe the eight Prātiharyas, vv. 1401-1415 describe Marudevi's worries about Rşabha's plight and Bharata's consolatiou. vy. 2350-2495 and 2517-2553 describe the episode of the battle between Bharata and Bahubali, v. 3537 3560 contain a hymn to the twentyfour Tirthankaras. Vardhamāna-sūri's extensive use of Radda for the narrative purpose probably set a model for Haribhadrasûri who later on composed his Neminahacarija entirely in Raddás. Ratnaprablia also described in his comincntary on the Upade samala the battle between Bharata and Bahubali in the Radda metre (folios 65-68, vy. 85-108).
Alsdorf L. (ed.)
Der. Kumarapalapratibodha, 1928. Bhayani H. C.
Introduction to the Sandesarāsaka, 1945.
(See under Muni Jinavijaya) Bhayani H. C. (ed.) Paumacariya of Svayambhūdeva, Part-I, 1952. Bhayani H. C. and Neminähacariya of Haribhadra, Vol. I, 1970;
Modi M. C. (ed.) Vol. II. 1971. Bhayani H. C. and Prācina Gurjara Kavya Samcaya, L.D. Series. 40,
Nahta Agarchand (ed.) . 1975. Dalal C. D. (ed.) Revantagiri-rasu of Vijayasena-suri (in
Pracin Gurjara Kavyasangraha, 1920). Bhojak Amritlal (ed.) Mül fuddhi-prakorna of Pradyumna-suri
with commentary by Devacandrasūri,
Prakrit Text Society Series 15, 1971. Haribhadra
See under Bhayani and Modi, 1970-1971.