Fixing up o/ soine Varunts hom Kalıdāsu
4. गाहन्ता महिषा.
5. ग्रीवाभङ्गागिगमम्
(वि) ४४५ (शाकुन्तल १-७)
(अ) ११४ (शाकु० १-७)
6. चलापाङ्गा दृष्टि
7. तब कुसुमशरवां
(शाकु. १-२०)
(अ) २७९ (शाकुन्तल ३-३) (३) ८७ (शाकुन्तल १-१३)
8. प्रस्निग्धा : क्वचिदू०
It may noted that from the above, we have left out no. 1,7 & 8 as no variants are noticed in them. We will go to see that the rest are numbered differently by different editors. We also do not know which edition is referred to by mofessors Parikh & Kulharui while identifying these verses.
lu the five illustrations considered here we are mentioning only tlie variants as read in this or that edition. We are not quoting the full verses as they are all quite well known
अस्मान् साधु ---
H.- प्रेमप्रवृत्ति : भोग्याधीनमत : स्त्राबन्धुमियांच्यते । B.- (P. 7) lead as ४-१८ __ स्नेह प्रवृत्ति, भाग्यायत, वाच्य वधूबन्धुभिः .
H & R.-(P १४२. read as ४-१६) स्नेहप्रवृत्ति . भाग्यायत्तमत:०, वाच्य वधूबा धुमिः all these tendings are also supported by Raghava p. U.- (P. १६६, K-१९) स्नेप्रनि०, भाग्यायत्तमतः, बाच्च वधूवन्धुभिः U. has consulted B. K. Thakore's edition (Printell 1922 D, R. Taraporewala & Sons, Bombay) also, which, unfortunately
we have not been able to obtain. G- (p ६५ ४-१७)-Prof Gajendragadkal has noted some varnants
from some mss स्नेहप्रवृत्ति० . भाग्यायत्तमतः बाच्च वधूयन्धुभि : S.R.-- (P ४३३, ४-१८) स्नेहप्रवृत्ति० भाग्यायत, याच्य वधूषन्धुभिः . Re. (P. ४९०.४ -१०) स्नेहप्रवृत्ति०- Vithal note meutioning
सा मान्यप्रतिपत्ति etc भारत वाच्य वधूबन्धुनि: with a foot-hote viz. दैवाचीनमतः... . तत रत्री बन्धुभि. याच्यते. This is closer to H.