Tripura Tantra (Sri Vidya)
Its Philosophy and Path of sidhani
respectively) and we liave special senseorgans (ie the nose, the tongue, the eyes, the skin and the ears) to perceive these qualities. Enjoyment of the worldly objects through these organs and mind, keeps the soul of the man in bondage The aspirant of liberation has to transcend tliese senses and objects. Then he has to rise above the limitations set by his own mind and the internal organ When CJUSciousness is completely freed Ciom all its adjuncts, it shumes in its own native splendouu 11? This is the realisation of oneness with Universal Consciousness This is the gist of the philosophy of Tripura Tantra and its path of Sadhana.
(1) Mātrkābheda Tantra-Introduction, ed. Bhattacharya Chintamani.
Metropolitan printing and publishing House, Calcutta, 1933,
P, 4-5. (2) Ibid-Introduction, p-1 (3) Agatam Sambhuvaktrebhyo gatam ca Guijāmukham. Matamca
Vasudevena tasmādāgama ucyate, Nirgato Girijā Vaktrāt gatasca girišaśrutam, Matasca Vasudevasya Nigamaḥ Parikathyate.
Agamādvaitanirnya, quoted in Mātrkābheda Tantra, p. 2-3. (4) Bhagavān Parasuiamopyāha-Pancāmnāyān paramarthasarai ūpăn
praninya iti-Setubandha, by Bhāskararāya, ed : Agashe Kasinath Sastri, pub Apte Hari Narayana, Anandashrama printing press, Pune, 1908. p. 24. Śrutisca dvividha Vaidiki Tantrikica-Manusmrti-II-1, Commentarv.-ed: Pandya Pranajivan Harihar, Pub. Desai M.L., Guiar
ati Printing Press, Bombay-1913. p 30. (6) (a) Ayamātmā Brahma-Mand Up.-2, Bșh. Up.-II-V-19.
(b) Aham Brahinasmı-Brh. Up.-I-IV-10 (c) Tattvamasi-Chan. Up.-VI-XVI-3. Jadvastotta asatopanigaded : Panashikai Vasudcvasharma.
Pub : Sheth Panduranga Javaji, Nirnayasagara Press, 1925. (7 Aikyam Jivātmanojāhuryogain Yogavišnradāh'- Kulārnava Tantra
IX-31-ed : Sharma Bhadi ashula, Pub. Kalyana mandıra, Prayag.
V.S. 2016 p 57. (8) "Gurusisyapadeslutvā svayam devahı Sadasivah. Prašnottaraparair
vakyaih Tantiam Samavatarayat." Mahāsvacchanda Tantra. quoted in Setubandha by Bhaskararāya-ed; Apte, H. N, Anand ashrama printing preas, Pune, 1908, P-21