Y. S. Shastri
thus Sakit is the lughest knowledge (Sard), beyond tune and space and bi to very natute, cvistence, consciousness and bliss.92 Tripura is the Jughest Reality in which there is neither rise, 1101, fall. It is selfluminous 33 She is the lughest Bialman,3 and is the only Ontological Reality As She is the secd of all in the Universe. The Universo which resides inside of it emanates and shines foith outside of it 30 This Sakti in bevond 36 Tartas 37 Even Siva and Suhti emanate from this non dual priliciple. She is in thic foin of Brahman and known as Parūbhattanho 38 She is the material cause of 36 Tattros Tipurd is Existence, Consciousness wud Bliss, and as such it is equivalent to the Brahman of the Upa nisadic thought She is beyond the thiee yunas and still she emanates them. She is the nature of Vidya and devoid of attributes 39 Shics formless. immutable, all pervading Bryliman 4 0 She is the nature of Itnun.+1 Brahman was alone in the beginning, states Upanisads. Similarly Trul upantsad states that nothing existed in the beginning but the goddess alone 4? Begining docs 110t liteially mean beginning of this Linisise. It is only knowledge point of view, It was alone in the begin ning It is shic who has created the world with all animate and unani. mate obiects She is the Supreme power that permeates the three worlds and the three bodies and enlightens them both internally and externally She is all forms and she fills all space and time. She is -vcıily the self and also everything else that is not self. She is wave incarnate on the ocean of the bliss of conscious existence. She is everything. She is the self the universe, all gods and all that exists. She is the only truth and she can be known only though experiencing the oneness of the sell and Brahman. She is the only Reality which pervades the wholc Universe. 4 3 She is not related to anything for there is nothing else to Jelaic. She is Uniquc. She is beyond all relational basis of knowing and knowledec. She is pure consciousness. She is indeed the turiya, beyond the word and thought, inaccessible and of un-paralleed giandeur.4 : She is un-kilowable. infinite, un-graspable, un-boin and non-dual. She is unknowable because even mods do not know hier natuic She has no limit, and shc is tlrus known as infiute. She is ungiaspable, and she is thus known as imperceptable, no one knows hei origin thus known as un-boin. She alone resides everywhere, thus known as non-dual. She is consciousness all compact. She is indescribable. 4 5 She cannot be described because she is unlimited In describing hei we are making infinite as finite. Infinite cannot be limited. She is beyond speech, touch and tongue. Even gods cannot giasp hier nature. 46 She cannot be defined in terms of any cute. gories for there is nothing besides Hei. Nature of Tripurā is similar to 'not this', 'not this', of the Upanışads. She is a dinarily in-expressible.