"Kavi Puttra" of Kalidasa
Casatyavadinam gūdhacaram naiva ca sästi yaḥ
Sah nrpo 'mleccha' ityukta prajāpränadhanapahah"76 defining the term "Mleccha'. Sūcaka referred to in alliance with bhftaka by Kautilya 77 on the Revenue side has its variation in Sücaka and stobhaka the nu and the intelligence officer of Šukra78
ya kaścid yadhain arhati"79 is an exception referred to by Sukra along with-"Tasmat saivaprayatnena vadhadandam tyajen nrpah"80. Sukra has enunciated the fourfold classification of Jati by Brahma through professional seglegation which through samkarya or asāmkarya, pratiloma and anuloma mode of marital ties assumed a limitless norm an account of which it is not possible to give.81 He is critical of those who evaluate the congenital segi egation of the four castes.
"Manyante jatibhedam ye manuşyānām tn janmana, ta eva hi vijānanti parthakyam nāmakarmabhih"82
Apart from this "A lugh born when come into contact with a low born becomes low born by birth. But a low born when come into contact with high born does not become high born even by birth.83
Concepts like these along with 32 lores and sixty four fine arts referred to in IV 3.2384 recounted in IV 3.26-298 fully and individually explained in IV 3.30-6486 with specific allusion to the names of Manu87 and Kanāda 8 3 and Vasiştha 8 9 in IV5 232-233
Svamahatvacca yo divyam na kuryāj jnanadarpatah Vasişthadyasritam nityam sah naro dharmataskarah" along with "Mimāmsāvedavā kyānām saiva nyāyaḥ prakirtitaḥ"90 "Cittavrttinirodhas tu prāṇasamyamanādibhiḥ, tadyogasāstram vijñeyam yasmindhyānasamadhitaḥ"91 Śrutismộtyavirodhena rajavșttadisasanam, Suyuktyä'rthārjanam yatra hy arthašāstram tad ucyate"92 Sasadibhedataḥ pumsām anuküladibhedataḥ, Padminyādiprabhedeba striņām sviyadibhedataḥ, tat kāmasastram sattvädeh laksma yatrasti cobhayoh." 3
illustrating the Nyaya, Yoga and Arthaśāstram and Kamasastra without naming their authors Gautam, Patanjali, Byhaspati or Kautilya and Vatsyayang make itself evident that Sukra knew the names of Manu,