Sūdraka and his Putra and others". Putia may be taken to mean son and a propei noun both by Pun.
The Jain version of the Canakyakathā given by Hanisena in Chapter 143 of the Bịhatkatha-Kosa?o refers to King Nanda of Pataliputra having his qucen as Suvratā. His three famous ministers were Kavi, Subandhu and Sakata He refers to Canakya as the son of Kapila and Devilā- the Brāhmana couple. Cànakya was a greater scholar of all branches of learning His wife was Yasomali. Kapila's sister Bandhumati was wedded to Kavi who entered into a pact with Cānakya to overthrow the Nanda King. Tlie Brhat Kathā of Guņādhya iepresented by BrhatKathā Manjari of Ksemendra 27 and Katha Sarıtsägara of Somadeva 2 8 lefers to the tale of one Pätalı daughter of Mahendra Vaimã wedded to Putraka a Brahmana evolving the title of the town named Patliputra,
BKM2°11X, 263 264, 299, 322) KSS(X11.11.4-5 and 68)30 refer to King Sūdraka as the sovereign lord of Sobhāvati Nagar reigning supreme for more than a hundied years.
"Asti Sobhāvati nāmā nagari sampadam nidhh, Babhūva Sudrakas tasyām yasasvi prthivipatiḥ. Alam devi mahibharttuh Sudrakasyāgravallabhā Sa ca devas tritiye'hui pārnāyur divam esyatı Juvitena madiyena jivaty eşa saputrakah. Devi ! viraya io vīraḥ provacetyatha Sūdiakah" of Kremendra and Asti Sobhāvati nama Satyākhyā nagari bhuvi Tasyām ca Sudrakākhy’abhūd bhüpatih prajyavikramah. Mama mürdhopahāreņa rājā jīvatu Sūdrakah.
Anyadvarsa satam devi ? kuryādrajyam Somadeva deserve to be quoted here.
akantakam" of
Bhāsa has been referred to by Kremendra in VI 13-1731 along with Mahartha, Prabhāva and Siddhārtha as the three ministers of King Suryaprabha, son of Candraprabha of Sākalapuri in the Madra countries. Variantly named as Prabhāsa, Siddhārtha and Prahasta by Somadeva 3 2 in his own version as
"Sakalam nāma madresu babhūva nagaram pura; Candraprabhākhyas tatrāsid rajāngāra prabhātmajaḥ, Kutimatyābhidhānāyām tasya devyāmajāyata,