À Note on the crowned Buddha
the child. On the opposito side, the subjugation of Nalagiri is shown.. can be identified by the presence of a small elephant kneeling before the Buddha, the right hand of his is shown as bestowing bliss to the beast.
In the next upper register, two Buddha figures are shown seated ip bhadrasana on the either side. Their feet are resting on a double lotus. The attitude of the bands show dharmacakra-pravartana-mudrā. The head of the Buddha figure on the left is damaged. On the stalac of Eastern India, ithis mudra denotes either the first secmon at Sārnāth or the miracle iat Śrāvasti. Both representations of these miracles could be identified by the presence of a cakra flanked by two deers in the case of his preaching the first sermon at Sārnath and the presence of the otthaka bocomos imperative for the miracle of Śrāvasti.6 But upfortunately no such identifying features are present alongwith these two. Thus it may be concluded that both shows either of the two miracles or repeatation of one event on either side.
In the third register above two dhyaoi Buddhas are seen seated in padmisana, The Buddha on the left side is holding a bowl in his lap. It represents the offoring of honey by the monkeys at Vaiśāls. On the other side Buddha is seated in bhumisparsa mudră representing attajoment of sambodhi at Bodhgayā. It may be noted in the present stelao that all the figures show ubhyānýika samghāți except the Buddha figure in bhumisparsa mudrā. Here, t e right shoulder is shown bare. If we compare it with other stelae from Eastern India representing Sambodhi it may be observed that in all the icons similar treatment of drapery is maintained." It perhaps Heads us to conclude that this had been the trend in delineating the Buddha figure that are particularly in bhügisparsa mudra. . On the top, a recumbant Buddha is shown with his right arm folded uoder his head representing his great demise. Now, it may be observed that seven great miracles of Buddha's life are represented on the present stalae. The descent from the tryastrimśat heaven at Sankisa is conspecuous by its absence however, the event is seen in other stelae where the main figure is shown seated.
Invariably, it has been observed at the same time that the main figore is seed reprosenting one of the great miracles of Buddha's life. But it is difficult to explain the main figure of standing Buddha in the present felae as to what does it actually represent? Mr. R.D. Banerji has identified the Buddha's figure on the similar stelae as representing the descent of the Master from Tryastrimśat heaven at Sankisao. But he has not
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