Colette Caillat and Nalini Balbir
(JA, Xéme série, 14, 1909, p.543-548) Paris 1909. [Chroniques, Religion jaina]
Summary of a letter sent by the Gaekwar of Baroda to the President of the third Svetämbara Conference held in Ajmer (March 1909), proclaiming the necessity of a social reform, including suppression of caste-system in order to improve the moral conditions of the Jains and fight against illiteracy, children-marriage, etc., encouraging study of Jainism and its historical problems and the undertaking of an edition of the Siddhanta.
A. GUERINOT. L'association jaina internationale. (Jaina Samagama Samaj. (JA, Xeme série, 15, 1910, p.377-378). Paris, 1910. [Chroniques.
Religion jaina].
Short notice on the organisation of this association, the creation of which is planned in London. Its aim is to propagate Jaina faith and ethics by means of translations, lectures, etc.
A. GUÈRINOT. Un maitre jaina du temps présent: Śrī Vijayadharma Süri. (JA, Xéme sèrie, 18, 1911; p.379-384. Paris, 1911.
Outline of Sri Vijayadharma Süri's life and personality, based on information given by his first disciple, Indravijaya Muni, and one short Sanskrit poem of 214 verses (Sri Dharmamahodaya) composed by Ratnavijaya, Muniraja.
Summary in No. 98 (T)
D. MÉNANT. Pèlerinage aux temples jainas du Girnar. Annales du Musée Guimet. Bibliothèque de Vulgarisation. Tome 39. P.189-239.-Paris, 1912. With 17 plates.
P.189-205. General ideas about Jainism.
P. 205-214. Brief geographical and'historical presentation of Kathiawar and Mount Girnar. Literary accounts of it. - Life of Nemi.
P.215-239. Itinerary and account of the pilgrimage. - Jaina ritual,
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