Chittapa and his Subhasitas
Sv contains, four of these verses, but ascribes none to Chittapa. It attributes two (843, 2419) to other poets whereas two others are shown as anonymous, Psr includes 10 of these verses; and ascribes them all to Chittapa. It may be noted that one of these verses is such that it is not found in any other anthology except Psr. · As some of the verses are common in more than one anthology, the total number of subhasitas assigned to Chittapa in all these anthologica comes to 52.
In the Ganaratnamahodadhi (a work of Sanskrit grammar) Vardham on (A.D. 1141) quotes two. verses by Chittapa as illustrations of certain grammatical rules. These two verses form a supplement to 52 Subhasitas, Stanzas .cited in Alankára works: --- -
We shall now trace these verses to some prominent works of Alatkara-sästra where they serve as appropriate illustrations of various alatka. ras and poetic gunas. These verses are referred to under the serial numbers given in the text constituted here. .. Sarasvatikanfhabharana (SKA) cites verse 3 (SKA III. 135) and verse 23
(SKA. III.131)as illustrations of separate varieties of Vyatireka. Verse 4 ocour in this work (SKA, II 66) as an illustration of Artharacana. Verse 10 (SKA.1.98) illustrates sabda-paka according to Bhoja. Verse 24 is given in SKA. I. 87 as an illustration of the quality "Gambhirya'.
SKA (II. 356) cites verse no. 32 as an illustration of Citrokti. Verve 43 is cited in the Pariccheda V of SKA (v. 500) with reference to rasa treatment. The verse 49 illustrates the quality Kanti', according to SKA, 1, 81.
Śrngäraprakasa (Sf. Pra) of Bhoja gives verse 1 as the opening Mat. gala Sloka.1o Verse 5 is given in Sr. Pra, as an illustration of apunadadhvani, one of the varietics of dhvani."
According to Kavyaprakasa V. 118, verso 8 illustrates how one bhava is subservient to the other. It is interesting to note that in Jhalakikar's odition of Kavyaprakasa, the verse is attributed, on the authority of the Dipika of Jayanta Bhatta to a poet named Pancakşarl, who is said to havo addressed it to King Bhoja. Verse 44 is given by Mammața (VI. 139) as illustrating sabdacitra.
It is noteworthy that Appaya Diksita also cites a number of Chittapa's verses as illustrations of various figures of speech in Kuvalayananda, Verse 4 occurs in this work (p. 126) as an examplo of Ekavall, Verse 8 is Sombhodhi X-15
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