Ašvaghoșa's Kavyas ; An Alankartka Appraisal
The samyoga of the afore-mentioned sthāyi-bhāva, ālambana and uddipapa vibhāvas, anubhāvas and sāttvika-bhāvas, and vyabhicāribhāvas results in śānta-rasa.
This santa-rasa controls the khaņda-rasas like vīra, śrngära, etc. which converge finally in the former. In this way śānta-rasa synthesis is achieved and the khandas-rasas subservient to śānta-rasa are cases of rasavat alankāra.
Of these khanda-rasas vīra is relatively prominent and may thus be said to enjoy the status of a sthāyi-bhāva in relation to śānta-rasa while the rest should be termed mere sancāri-rasas. This sthāyi-bhavavat vira-khanda-rasa is distinct from nirveda or sama, the sthāyi-bhāva proper of śānta-rasa.
The intervention (vyavadhāna) of the two pro-śānta khanda-rasas, viz., the sthāyi-bhāvavat vira-khanda-rasa and the sañcāri-bhāvavat adbhuta-khanda-rasa, counteracts the problem of immediate collocation (nairantarya) of the two opposite categories of sentiments, viz., śānta-rasa (including its five evolutes .... the remaining sañcāri-bhāvavat khaņdarasas ... like häsya, bībhatsa, etc.). Again, there is no real polarity (virodha) proper of śānta and śộngāra (with its parivāra) because the former is decisively final (pāryantika) and predominant (bādhaka) while the latter, is only occassional (paryanta-vairasya-bhu) and subordinate (bādhya).
In consonance with the paryantika śānta-rasa in Aśvaghosa's kāvyas the guņa is madhurya-samānādhikarana prasāda.
Vaidarbhi is the rīti in the Buddha-carita and the Saundara-Nanda. Bhārati is the vștti in the Sāriputra-prakaraṇa.
We might now be permitted to quote some appropriate examples of the above combination of rasa, guna and rīti / vrtti in the following:
pade tu yasmin na jarā pa bhîr na run na janma naivoparamo na cādhayah / tam eva manye puruşārtham uttamam na vidyate yatra punaḥ punaḥ kriya ||
[Buddha-carita, 11/59] yadi dvandvārāme jagati vişaya-vyagra-hrdaye vivikte nirdvandvo viharati krti śānta-hțdayah / tataḥ pitvā prajñā-rasam amstavat trpta-hrdayo viviktaḥ samsaktam viņaya-krpaņań śocati jagat |
[Saundara-Nanda, 14/51] Sambodhi Vol. 8(13)
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