Maan Singh
The laws of class and stages of life (varņāśramadharmas) were maintained. Of the castes, the twice-born (dvijas) i.e. the Brāhmaṇas, the Ksatriyas and the Vaisyas had the upper voice in society. Their destruction was considered a heinous crime. Of them, too, the Brāhmaṇas were held in highest esteem and none dared oppose them, not say of killing. They were taken to be the gods on the earth.31 There were wild tribes living in the jungles. Subandhu refers to Kirātas32 and Pulindas.33 The loss of caste was only among rascals.34
- The study of sciences (vidyās) was thought necessary.35 As Subandhu's
ahụsions show, the Śrutis, 36 upanişads, 37 Rāmāyaṇa, 38 Mahābhārata, 39 Brha#kathā4l, Astādhyayi,41 Kamasutra,42 Chandoviciti,43 Alankara 44 works of Kalidasa 45 and systems of philosophy were studied with interest in his days. Brāhmaṇism was the prevalent religion. The hetrodox,views were CONfronted with great opposition and their impact was subsided. Jainism and Bridhism had declined. 46 VaişDavism was the popular cult at least in the area where Subandhu took birth and lived, that is, central India, 47 though "Siya worship and phallus-worship48 were also in vogue. People performed
religious rites and duties. Subandhu refers to the evening devotion49 and oblations to the sacred fire (agnihotra),50 The circumambulation of cows51 was also a religious act. Bulls were loosened in sacrifice to ancestors. 52
As to the marriage system we have no evidence of child marriage and divorce. A girl was married at the age of puberty; but sometimes the girls' -apathy to marriage even at the age of eighteen might worry her parents.53 - In the Ksatriya class' a maiden was given a chance for the choice of a husband for her and svayamvara was arranged for this purpose but if she failed to choose any, her father could marry her to a person of his choice. 34 Sometimes damsels eloped with their lover.56 Kings were polygamous. 67 Ladies with their husbands alive used minium in their hair.56 Sexual life was guided mainly by the Kamasūtra. One can hardly believe that there was no bad casts connection among women, still it seems that such relations were - strictly looked down upon and were severely punished. The secret unions -among lovers were not unknown.58 People had sometimes secret love inI trigues with others' wives. 59 Sexual relationship with the wives of rivals
also mentioned.80
The society of Subandhu's time had another class of women, the pronstitutes.61 They were beautiful and accomplished women, who enticed paramours with their merits and arts. They accompanied even the armies. 62
Men and women were fond of ornaments and cosmetics. Men decorated themselves with crest gems63, flowers, 64 armlets, 65 golden girdles66, earrings®7,
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