Zodiacal Circum ference
“At the ending moments of the last 62nd pürņimā (full moon day) of the 5-year-cycle, which nakșatra (asterism) is occulted by Moon ?
(The answer is) Uttarāşādhā (o Sagittarii); the ending moments of Uttarășăţha ( Sagittarii).
Which nakșatra (asterism) is occulted by Sun at that time?
(The answer is). Puşya (8 Cancri) nakșatra (asteris) with batanee of 19 + 6 x 6*-) muhurtas.”.
These data can easily be generated. Thus as we know that on the full moon day,
Lg - Lm = Half the zodiacal circumference,
Where L, and Lm denote the longitudes of Sur and Moon respectively on a full moon day. L. - Lm = ez x 8192, mubūrtas (Zodiacal circle = 81927 muhårtas). = 409 47 muhurtas.
t In the present case,
Lm = 0, because zero of the scale of graduating the zodiacal circumferenee in muhürtas coincides with the ending moments of Uttarāsādha (o Sagittarii) or beginning of Abhijit (* Lyrae) nakgatra (asterism) where the Moon is posited at the end of 62nd pārņimā (full-moon day) or the beginning of the 5-year cycle.
At the ending moments of the 62 pārņimā (full-moon day) L. = 409 67 mub ürras = (429.27 - 19 muhartas
• Ending moment of Puşya - 1997 muhūrtas (using table No. 1)
= 192 + 2x37x *) muhurtas of Balance of Puşya (8 Cañeri).
Similarly the positions of Moon and Sun dan also be gettorated at other syzygies. This shows that the zodical circumference was graduated in muhartas of a nakşafra month (sidreal revolution of Moon).
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