S. Ramratnam
Prahasanal or Farce is one of the ten types of drama in Samskrit Literature, the other nine being Nāțaka, Prakaraṇa, Bhāņa, Dima, Vyāyoga, Samavakāra, Vīthi, Arka, and shāmrga. The characteristic features of these playforms have been dealt with in Nāļyas īstra, the earliest and the most authoritative work dealing with dramaturgy. Later works on dramaturgy like Daśarūpaka and Nāțaka Lakşaņa Ratna Kośa deal with the features of the dasarūpakas extensively 2
Though the varities of the dramas have been classified as ten thus", they are to be understood only as ten tendencies but not as wat:r-tight and rigid classifications. A particular rūpaka differs from the other in having one particular feature as predominent in it. Thus though Vithi is called a separate variety, its features find a place in the Prahasana also.
"udghityakadibhiridam ( Praha sanam) vithyangairmisritam bhavenmis ram” (NS-XX-III). The comic element which is predominently found in the prahasana gets its due place in the Nataka through the character of Vidūşaka. The Dyūtakarasamvāhakārka in the Mșcchakațika or the Pravesaka in tha Nāgānanda with the drunken vița, ceța, ceļi and viduşaka can by themselves be the specimens of the Prahasana."
of these ten types of dramas the Nāçaka and the Prakaraņa are said to be the perfected types since they possess the main features of all other varieties.
“trimśadrupakabhedāśca prakaśynte'tra lakşanaih prakstitvādāthanyeșām bhūyo rasaparigraham sampūrņalakṣaṇatvāt ca pūrvam nāțakamucyate"
(Bhavaprakāšana viji p. 221 ) "sarvavrttivinişpannau kavyabandhe tathātvimau"
(Nātyaśāstra - XX - 6) 1 The word 'Prahasana' is derived from the root BT to smile. 2 On the Types of Dramas cf. 'The Types of Sanskrit Dramas' by D.R. Mankad
and “Sanskrit Drama" by A.B. Keith. 3 See TABLE‘A’, fati qÅ ATTIETH-NS-XX-3.
astearfo tu, aq e' #7604 48:- Abhinava 4 A note on the Dasarūpaka - Dr. V. Raghvan JOR VII. 1933.
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