Ganesh Thite
beauty of the army. An artizen should be invited, honoured and asked for making chariots. The aritizen should then worship Gaņesa and make out chariots. Chariots should be made of the wooden planks which are new and soft. Iron plates should be attached on the chariots so that they will be firm. Then the chariots should be covered with golden plates. On the roof of the chariots there should be pictures of swans, peacocks etc. On the flag there should be a picture of the deity of the charioteer's choice. In the chariot there should be weapons like bows, arrows, swords, spears, clubs, sticks, axes etc. A charioteer should be skilled in warfare, quick of his hand, with broad shoulders, and brave. The driver of the chariot should be a knower of horse psychology, and able to protect oneself, the horses and the charioteer in critical times. One charaiot is more important than the whole army. Because Rāma received a chariot from Indra, he could get victory over Rāvana (Patala 131).
(2) Elephant-lore
Samrājyalakşmipjthikā gives a mythical story about the origin of elephants viz. they came into existence out of the dust raised from sun and therefore, it is added, they are fond of playing with dust. According to another myth related further, the elephants had, at first wings and could fly. Moreover, they could take any form. Once, some elephants, like birds, sat on a branch of a tree in the Himālaya region. The branch then broke and thereby an ascetic named Dirghatapā, who was practising penance under that tree, was troubled. Being angry, he cursed then all the elephants to be devoid of wings and to be vehicles of kings. The elephants are, accordingly wingless and royal vehicles.
There are various kinds of elephants. The breath of the elephants of the Bhadra-kind is fragrant, their lips, tongue and palate are all red. They are tall in the front part and are sloping down towards the back. Their spinal cord is like a bow They do not get afraid of the lions, or lightning. They have twenty nails. They are brave as well as tolerent. The tusk of the elephants of the Mandra kind are big, the lips longish and hairy. An elephant of this kind appears like a tortoise. His gait is slow. He walks in sleep as it were. He is dull and fearless. An elephant of Mrga-kind has ears, feat etc. of very small size. While walking he makes roaring. An elephant of mixed kind has characteristics of all the three kinds mentioned above.
While emphasizing the importance of elephants, Sāmrājyala kşmipithikā says that an elephant is a deity. An elephant is the best of all vehicles. Elephants protect one's side and destory that of others. A person killed under the feet of an elephant goes to heaven (Patala 132 ).
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