Ganesh Thite
borne on the head. The king then, along with his friends, wives and sons, eat leaves of Nim-tree, mixed with sugar. He should sprinkle on earth a few drops of oil for the sake of seven immortals like Aśvatthāmā etc. and then take bath after having applied oil to his own body. Then he should listen to the prognosis of the year from an astrologer (Patala 82). In the evening of this day, he should attend the programmes of wrestling, boxing, music, drama etc. One who 'celebarates the day of year-beginning in this way gets long life, progeny etc. (Patala 83). On the ninth day of the bright fortnight of Caitra, one should celebrate the birth-date of Rāma. On that day one should observe fast, bathe the image of Rāma and worship him. In the night one should listen to the recitation of Purāņa-texts and remain waking throughout the night (Payala 84). On the Full-Moon-day of Vaisākha, gifts of following things are to be made-betels, Gopicandana, camphor, saffron, musk, clove, water, bedding, roots of Andropogon Moricatus, campaka-flowers, foot-wears, rice boild with milk and sugar, (cold-) drink, juice of sugar-cane, water-jar, butter, curds, milk, coarse flour, umberlla etc. (Patala 87). On the new-moon-day of Jyeștha, Vrşabha-Vrata should be performed. In it one should get prepared wooden bulloks on the earlier day. On the new-moon-day one should keep them in the granary after worshipping them. Thereby there will be ample growth of cattle, Wealth, grains, progeny etc. (Patala 88). On the eleventh day of the bright half of Āsādha, one should worship Vişņu (Patala 89) On the full-moon-day of Śrāvana, Varalaksmi-vrata should be performed. This leads to obtainment of empire. In it one has to worship Lakşmi, royal emblems and treasury (Patala 90). On the eighth day of the dark fortnight of the same month, birth of Krsna should be celebrated. This rite was performed by Dilipa, Nābhāga, Ambarışa, Hariscandra and Gādhi for the sake of pleasing Krsni. In this rite one has to observe a fast and worship images of Krsna, Devakī and Vasudeva. Next day these images are to be given to a Brāhmana (Patala 92). On the fourth day of the bright half of Bhadrapada, Siddhivinayaka-vrata should be performed. In the morning one should get bathed with water mixed with white sesams. An image of Ganesa should be made either of gold, silver or clay, The thighs and legs of this image should be short. There should be all kinds of adornments on it. This image should be ritually established and twentyone modakas (a variety of sweatmeat) should be offered. Dūrvāgrass should also be offered. A priest should narrate the story of Ganesa and one should listen to it. (Patala 93). On the fourteenth day of the same fortnight one should perfrom Anantavrata Ananta (serpent) should be made of Darbha-grass. It should have seven hoods. Then it should be worshipped. A thread should be worn on the wrist. This rite should be performed for fourteen years (Patala 96). Navacatravrata should bo performed in the month of Aśvina. One should obce.
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