Historical data in the...
The kings of Kojala and Kalinga vanquished by Harsa remain unidentified. They may be identified with Devagupta of Mālava 31 and Sagājka of Gauda. Devagupta primarily an ally of Prabhakaravarchana (vanquished by the latter - Mālava-lakşmilatā-paraśuḥ, p. 342 HC, CE) turned so by subjugation got a revenge by killing Graliavarmā Maukhari, the brother-inlaw of Harșa who slew him ultimately and had Kumāragupta and Madhavagupta, the sons of Devagupta, reinstated and consecrated as vassals (Kumārgupta being the elder and hence an heir to the throne of Mālava) though already made followers of Rajyavardhana and Harşavardhana by Prabhākaravardhana. 31 Drøhavarınā might have been an independent vassal ruling over Anga, who might have offered his daughter in marriage to Harsa. Dr. R. K. Mookarji's contention of identifying Vindhyaketu with Vyāghraketu son of Sarabhakatu docs not find corroboration to the effect that Vindhyaketu was killed because Harșa did not know the names of Sarabhaketu and Vyāghraketu when come face to face with Nirghāta. Moreover,''deva sarvasyāsya Vindhyasya syāmi sarvapalli-patinām prāgraharah sabarasenāpatiḥ bhūkampo nāma. tasya ayam nirghātanāmā svašrīyah Sakalasyāsya Vindhyakāntārāraṇyasya parnanāmapi abhijñal, 3 2 refers to Bhūkampa as the lord of the Vindhyas. He cannot even be Dhruvabhata of Valabhi who was defeated and married to his own daughter by Harsa.
To concude this point it would be reasonable to propound the theories that the Udayana plays of Harsa i.e. Ratnāvali and Priyadarsikā establish the fact of dual matrimonial relations of Harşa with the kings of Sinhala and Anga named Vikramabāhu (Aggabodhi Is Alias Vikramabahu AD 601-650) and Drdhavarmā respectively; the epilogues of the plays alluding to the discomfiture and demise of Devagupta of Mālava 33 and Saśājka of Gauda, the former having the Vindhya region as well within his jurisdiction before Pulakesin II Caulukya wrested them from Harsa in the decisivc battle as evidenced by the Aihole Insc. dated 634 A.D. Since Harsa reigned unhanıpered till AD 648 it seems the success of Pulakeğin II was not so dominating as to have inflicted a crushing blow on Harşa. It might have been 31 Atra devena abhişiktah kumaraḥ HC. III, p. 248. CE Probably Kumäragupta son of
Mālavarāja (may be Devagupta vanquished by Ha işa) and a brother of Madhavagup ta, who was appointed by Prabhākaravardhana to wait upon Rajyavardhana and Harşavardhana. "vinitau vikrintau abhirapau Malavara ja-putrau bhritarau bhujau iva me sarirat avyatiriktu Kumaragupta-Madhavaguptau asmabhirbhavato anucaratvärtharimau nirdişțau, HC, IV p 412 CE,P 138 BE Harsacarita kā Sāinskrtika Adhyayana Dr. V. S. Agrawala pp. 54-55 devabhayann gate cleve Rajyavardhane, Guptanamna
ca grhite kušasthale. HC. VII p. 813 CE, Gupta=Devagupta. 32 HC VIII, p. 842 CE, 33 Rūjāno yuchi cluşlavajina iva Sridevaguptūdaya). Kurvā yena kasõprahārayimukhāḥ
sarve samar saiyatah.- Baukhers CP of Harsa Verse E. p. 113: Dr. B. Upadhyaya..