Dandin's indebtedness to Subandhu
(16) विभावरीतिमिरतरकर भास्कर
(p. 254, Itnes 5-6) (17) दैवदुर्विलसितम्
(p 258, line 3)
मकलत्रिभुवनग्महटापहासनावविवाद भास्कर निशुन्धन द्विवि (p 34, lin899-10)
नियनिविलामविस्मिनन (p 193, Ihne 2', इनान्तविमितानि (Dusakumaraturttu. (p. 216, line 4)
For Subandhu's influence on Bana see W. Curtellieri HTANI. pp 115-132, VOJ. ], 1887, pp. 14-132, F W. Thomas HZAM XII, pp 21-33, the Doctoral thesis of the author at these lines A Critical and Comparative Study of Subandhu und Danit (Binaras Hindu University, 1965), pp 650-678. Ed TSS, No 172, Trivandrum, 1954, prefatory verse No 19,
भिन्नतीक्ष्णमुखेनापि चित्र वाणेन निर्व्यधः ।
व्याहारेषु जहाँ लाल' न मयूरः॥ The writers and works mentioned by Dandin in the prefactory stanzas of the Avanttsundarl are the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, Subandhu (different from the author of the extant prose romance Vüsavadatta), the Brhatkatha, Maladeva, Sudraka, Bhasa (and his dramas) Sarvasena (and his Harivijaya), the Setv, Kalidash Nariyana, some blind poet (proably Kumaradasa), Bāna and Mayara, some poetess (probably Vogjikā) who though dark was the abode of excellent jatus and gunas, the Manovati and Dämodara Harsacarita, ed. A A Fthrer. Bombay Sanskrnt and Praknt series No. LXVI, 1909, prefatory verse No. 12,
कवीनामगलददो नून वासवदत्तया ।
शक्त्येव पाण्डपुत्राणां गतया कर्णगोचरम् ।। This verse probably refers to Subandhu's Vasaradatra Set Winternitz A History of Indian Literature, vol. II, PL. I, translated by Subhadra Jha - 1963, p 392, P V Kane • The Hargacarua, ed II. 1965, Introduction, p XI, our thesis, pp. 5-7. Arantisundari, prefactory verse No. 6,
सबन्धु किल निष्क्रान्ती विन्दुसारस्य बन्धनान् । तस्यैव दृश्य पध्वा वत्सराजो. ॥