Some Important Episodes
worry about losing your magic spell; now we can pass our time without disturbance, and can go wherever we like " (3) Vegavan acquires new (only VH)
magic power from Palavanda
After coming into contact with Princess Balacanda, Vasudeva asks her to bestow two magic spells on Vegavati, so that she could always guard him 27
(4) The second rescue Vegavati's fight with Māṇusuvega tin BKSS and in the form of Samali in the Samalilambha in the VH).
When Naravahanadatta is abducted by Manasavega, Vegavati is mad with grief and anxiety Her magic power tells her of her beloved husband's whereabouts. Giving up the idea of suicide, 28 she immediately goes out to search for him in the
26 Vegavatılambha, 250, 2-4 Compare the K (107 50-52), where Vegavati comes to Kauśambi and falls to the feet of her in-laws and prostrates herself before her husband, crying, "While remembering you I have become emaciated, I have recovered my magic powers by selfmortification
27 Balacandalambha, 256, 5-6
28 VH, 229, 4 The idea of suicide is mentioned totally without context or explanation The circumstances can be explained fully in the BKSS (XX 329-354) Once Vegavati overhears Naravahanadatta talking to friend. He remarks "My beloved was so dear, but truly, when I g my dear Vegavati, I forgot even Madanamañjuka." Naturally Vegavati is overjoyed to hear this But then Naravãbanadatta goes on,
I will forget my second love as soon as I have conquered the third one, as 1 forgot my first love when I conquered the second Poems, women, clothes and the moon may all lack in quality, but are nevertheless taken up by people when they are new Vegavati 19 understandably crushed by this last bit of disinterestedness on the part of her gallant new husband. Her proud and fiery spirit demands something dramatic to counter such unromantic notions She decides to commit suicide, asking the idyadhara Amṛtagati to collect enough wood for making a funeral pyre
Compare the BKM (13.5.101-102) where Prabhavati. explaining "Having left your previous wifi the cause of her sorrow, remarks, Madanamanjukā, you started loving Vegavati, and now you ar devoted to some other woman "