A NOTE ON 'भा-सप्त-वेणिङ'
M. C. Modi
We, the editors of Neminaha - Cariuan Apabhramsa Carita-Kavya, Dr Bhayani and myself came across this expression which intrigued us in ita Interpretation. The text, for the reference, I give below ;
(i) तयणु दाखिहि शत्ति सु-पखन्नु
आ-सन्त श्रेणिउ दविणु फुरिय-महम-हरिक्षिण दवाविषि । etc.,
[Neminaha-Carlu p. 12. St. 43] In the above text the printed text: आसत्त-वेणिठ should be corrected to संत वेण
( 11 ) मह पोसिउ दासदासीए
आ-सस-वेणिउ पउरु दाणु दाखि- माधु वि पणा सिवि । [Neminaha-Carin p. 62, St. 242]
I had a discussion about this knotty expression with my frienda Pt. Amrtbhai Bhojak and Pt. Rupendrakumar Pagaria. They pointed out the following references to settle the meaning. The references are as under:
(a) सिद्धस्थ - नरिंदो सरिस-पधाषिएण चेडी गणेण साहिय तिहुयण इच्छेश्य-रूप- सुय· जम्ममहूसबो चेडी जणस्स अवणीय- दासस-भाषो आ-सत्त-वेणि-वंडि मत्थ- समत्य- रयण-रासिदाण- जणियाणदो भइ, वह इस्यादि [श्रीगुण चंद्रविरस्थित महावीर चरित Leaf 123 (a ) lanat lines ]
(b) 'यदि तावदर्थलोमेन तदाऽऽसप्त-वेण्यर्जित यन्मदीयमेतदूधन तत्सर्वमेव त्वदीयम्' इत्यभिधाय हार-मणि केयूर-कण काम्चन प्रभ्यादि निषेध व निवेदितुमारेमे [श्री भोजदेव-विरचित शृङ्गार मन्जरीकथा p 33, line 4]
(c) तो भगइ देवदत्ता बहु-वेणि परपरागया एसा
कि अम्मो किज्विाइ रिखी कारट्टए तुझ ॥
[आम्रदेवसूरिविरचित भाख्यानक-मणि-कोश- टीका मूलदेवाख्यामक ]
The above references settled the meaning of the expression as "wealth which would last upto seven degrees of the descent of female offsprings.' I have interpreted female offsprings' because in all the references is connected with a mald-servant or a courtesan. Seven' is mentioned because the current idiom in Gujarati 'सात पेढि चाहे वेटल' धन कमायो ' 'He earned wealth as much as would last upto seven degrees of descent सात-पेढी has come into vogue because of सपिण्डता in धर्मशास्त्र, eligible to share tho विव्ह