A Phonological Sketch of Apabhramsa
- marks non occurence Segments given within parenthesis are of very limited occurence 2. Syllabic Structure
Always a vowel constitutes a syllabic nucleus All consonants other than /N/, and all the word initial clusters given above (cf under 1 242) occur as onsets Only N occurs as coda word finally Medially all consonants other then /N/ can occur as onsets of the following syllable In case of medial consonant sequences, a syllabic cut is possible after the first consonant which would then be treated as the coda of the preceding syllable, the second consonant being treated as the onset of the following syllable Stops other then voiced retroflex aie of very low-frequency medially as onsets A sequence of syllabic nuclei can occui without any onsets (or codas) Examples (marks syllable boundary)
duha 'sorrow' du/ha duva.ra door du/va:/ra dharia earth dha/rı/a hauN I 'ha/UN ekkahiN on one' ek/ka/hiN
Syllable types The following syllable types are found ( ) marks option : Syllable type
Example (c)
'one's own' (c)v:
'came kha: 'eat' (cc)v vya
'like' (cc): nha.
bathe' (c)vc ag/ga
'in front tan ‘him, she, it
sa a/a